xv. •Troye•

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xv. •Troye•

It had been weeks since Tyler had taken us out to that beautiful restaurant and we had gotten closer since. We spent every minute together and honestly, I wouldn't have it any other way.

"Babe," Tyler mumbled one night.

"I love you," He whispered in my ear.

"I know," I smiled at him, "I love you, too."

"No, Troye," he rolled over, rubbed his eyes and looked at me, "Like, I really love you. Like I don't know if I could actually live without you. Like, hm, here we go! I love you more than Taco Bell!" A smile grew on his face as I pounced on him.

"Tilly!" I exclaimed, "Why are you so cute?"

"I ask myself the same question everyday," he sniffed.

I threw my arms around his neck and kissed him. He smiled through the kiss and I loved knowing that I made him just as happy as he made me.

"We should collab tomorrow!" I told him.

"That's so much work, though," Tyler whined, "Can't you just kiss me all day long instead?"

"Tilly," I smiled at him, "wipe that smirk off your face!"

"Twink," Tyler looked at me mischievously.

He slowly snaked his arms around me without me noticing and pulled me close to him.

"Tomorrow," he told me, "I just want you for now."


"Is that my sweater?!"



I had a knack for stealing Tyler's clothing recently. They smelled like him and I could live in his clothes, honestly.

"Tilly, please?" I pouted.

"Whatever," he rolled his eyes. Success.

"Let's get these cameras set up, it's time to film, bitch!" He told me.

We got the cameras set up, sat on Tyler's couch, ready to film and then, nothing.

"Maybe we should have thought of something to film huh?" I looked at him.

"Ya think?!" He rolled his eyes at me.

"I have an idea," Tyler smirked, "let's kill the troyler shippers!"

I rolled my eyes, "What do you have in mind?"

"On your channel we'll do an ask troyler and on mine we'll do "the boyfriend tag"!"

"Won't that make it obvious that we're together, though?"

"No! The friends that are boys tag, twink!" I rolled my eyes, of course.

"I guess we'll film your video first and I'll tweet, getting the shippers ready," I winked at him.

"@troyesivan: with the one and only @tyleroakley! ask us questions for our new video! use the tag #asktroyler !"

"Alrighty, let's get filming, shall we?" Tyler asked as I shoved my phone in my pocket.

Tyler turned on his camera,"Why hello everyone, my name is Tyler Oakley and today I'm here with someone special, say who you are," he flung his arm around me.

"I'm Troye Sivan!" I smiled into the camera.

"And where can people find you?"

"YouTube.com forward-slash Troye with an e!"

Fixing Him (A Troyler Fanfiction) [UNDER EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now