xxi. •Troye•

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xxi. •Troye•

Tilly had come to see me. I tried to shut him up by kissing me and then ..other things may have happened, but it didn't go far. He made me talk to him.


That's what everyone seeme to think would help me. I just, I didn't think it would.

My new room was empty and cold. It reminded me of a jail cell. Ashley was right. How was Ashley right? How did she know they were gonna take me and put me down here? I wasn't allowed to have Tyler all the time. He had limited time in my room and I hated it. All I wanted was him, with me, every second, forever.

I layed on my bed and took a pillow, slamming it onto my head. Why did this have to happen to me?

There was a knock on the door.

"Come in," I called.

"Troye, Moore wants to see you." It was Ashley.

"Ugh," I rolled my eyes and flung the pillow onto my face again.

"I know," She walked into the room and sat on the end of the bed, "I know, but she said it's important."

I sat up and ran a hand through my messy hair.

"I need to get ready, tell her I'll be at her office in a half hour."

She nodded and smiled at me.

"Hey, by the way, how you holding up?" She asked.

"Eh, not the greatest," I answered, truthfully.

"I heard Tyler stopped by."

"Yeah," I rolled my eyes again.


"He wanted to talk."

She snorted, "What's so bad about that?" She really couldn't contain her laughter.

"I didn't want to talk."

"Well, what did you want to do then?"

"Fuck," I shrugged.

She spit out the water she was drinking and laughed.

"Honestly, is that all boys think about?" She was laughing really hard at this point.

"Go away, I'm changing," I said as she laughed and saluted me as she walked out of the room, shutting the door behind her.

A half hour later, the was a knock on my door.

"Ash, I'm almost ready! Come in!"

She didn't open the door, so I ran and opened it to see a sobbing Ashley. I immediately threw my arms around her and she wrapped hers around me tightly.

"Troye," she looked at me with tears in her eyes, "We need to go."

I nodded and we walked quietly down the hallway next to each other. We reached Doctor Moore's office and I cringed. I really didn't want to be here. Ashley gave me a tight hug and then left me to it.

I took a deep breath and knocked on the door. She opened it with a large smile plastered on her face and said, "Troye!"

I faked a smile and followed her.

"So," she sat down across from me, "How've you been?"

"Good," I replied, curtly.

"Really?" She raised her eyebrows.


"Wrists," I sighed, knowing the procedure and rolled up my sleeves to show her my wrists. I had been here for a week and had already seen Moore loads of times.

Fixing Him (A Troyler Fanfiction) [UNDER EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now