iv. •Tyler•

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iv. •Tyler•

I woke up in the morning with a pounding headache while aching everywhere.

"Fuck," I muttered as I attempted to get up.

I moaned as I rose to my feet. What happened last night? I searched my brain to remember.

There was dinner, yes. Before that, I remember flirting with Troye to have a little fun, yes. After dinner, I can hardly remember anything. I sat back down on the bed and tried to remember last night.

Suddenly, I realized this was not my hotel room. I looked across the room and there he was, my precious little Troye, sleeping on the couch. As I saw Troye, it came to me. I remember vomiting a lot last night. Troye must have kept me here, just to be safe. That cute little thing.

I slowly walked over to where Troye was sleeping. I think he must have heard me because his eyes flickered open and said,

"Tyler! You're awake! How are you feeling?!" He shot up and ran his fingers through his hair and seemed genuinely concerned for my well being. God Troye! He was just so cute I nearly died right on the spot.

"Tyler," He said in his adorable Aussie accent.

"Tyler, I- I'm sorry you're here, you were just really drunk and I didn't know how to get you to your hotel room and I didn't want you to get hurt or something or do something you'd regret and I - I just thought that it'd be better if I watched over you just in case. I mean, I'm really sorry that this happened and -"

"Troye," I cut him off, " Thank you."

"And I just - Wait thank you?"

"Yes Troye. Thanks for being such a great friend. I know I can always count on you for being there for me and I love you lots." I pulled him into a hug.

We hugged longer than we probably should have, but honestly I didn't care one bit and it was just nice to feel him in my arms. Before we broke apart I whispered,

"Thanks again, sugar," walked over to the bedside, grabbed my things and walked out the door.


Later that day Zoe had texted me and said we needed loads of catching up to do. I agreed one hundred percent and that's what landed me sitting across from her in a nearby Dunkin Donuts.

"Tyler, I need to talk to you."

"That's why we're here, girl."

"It's a secret and I'm not supposed to tell anyone, but I haven't even told Chummy and it's awful not telling her and I just need someone to talk to!"

"Zo, what's up? You know you can trust me with anything."

"Okay, I'm just gonna spit it out. But please don't hate me for not telling you sooner?"

"I'm dating Alfie." I nearly spit out my coffee.


"I know, I'm so sorry I didn't tell you, it's just Alfie didn't think we should tell people until we were ready, ya know."

"Zoe, congrats. I'm so proud of you. I mean first, you got a hot guy, girl!" She snorted, " Second, not telling anyone? Even Louise? Damn, I can't imagine how difficult that must have been for you!"

"It was awful, you don't even know. But Tyler, I really really like him and I wish I could just tell everyone, you know? But I can't and it's so difficult and ugh, I just told you because if I told Chummy she'd want me to do something crazy." Zoe sighed.

Poor Zoe. I felt awful for the poor girl. Zoe was probably one of the talkative people I knew, (other than myself of course), and not saying anything for months must have nearly killed her.

"Alright Zoe, this is what you're gonna do," I replied, my mastermind already working it's magic, "I want you to go to Alfie, give him a big smooch, and tell him. Be like, "Heeey baabe, youuure the best! I think we're the greatest couple know to live the earth! Why can't we just share it with all of our other friends? I mean I'm toooootally ready if you are!"

"Tyler," Zoe rolled her eyes, "if I do everything you just suggested he'll think I've had too much to drink or something! But I think I will tell him, it's about time isn't it?"

"It is, girl!" She smiled at me and I realized how great a friend Zoe really was. It was just a shame she lived halfway across the planet.

"So! Enough of me, what about your love life?" She winked at me.

I rolled my eyes, "Love life? Psh, girl the only love I have is my coffee and the Taco Bell across the street!"

"Tyler, please. I saw the way you were looking at Troye last night." I chocked on my coffee as she smirked.

"Troye? Troye's nothing. We're just friends."

She raised her eyebrows, "And that's why he brought you to his room last night."

"I was drunk! He was only helping me out. And plus, Troye's straight. Even if I did like him he wouldn't like me back."

Zoe's taunting eyes soon turned to sad ones as soon as the words came out of my mouth. The truth in them stung just as I said them. Troye wouldn't like me. He likes girls, not a gay man like myself. I looked down at my coffee and swirled it. It hurt more than I thought, actually saying the thoughts aloud.

"Hey," She took her finger and lifted my chin up to look at her, "Hey, you'll find someone, I promise. Also, don't be too let down about Troye, there might be more to him than you think."

"Like what...?" I asked curiously. Did she know something I didn't?

"Oh shit, look at the time! I have to go meet Alf, come here give me a hug. It'll get better, promise." She kissed my cheeck and with that she was out the door.

What did Zoe know? I layed my head in my hands as I thought about what she had told me. 'I know Troye,' I kept telling myself. But maybe, just maybe, there was something that he was hiding from me. Maybe there was something that he wasn't telling me.

I decided to text him to see if maybe I could read him a little better if we were actually in person together.

I waited a half hour, no response. I checked his twitter, no recent tweets or favorites. I checked his tumblr, no activity at all whatsoever. That was when I drew the line. Something was up. I texted everyone who was here so far.

Zoe: Girl, I was just with you. Sorry, haven't seen him. Oh and neither has Alfie.

Marcus: Nope, sorry man.

Caspar: Sorry, I haven't.

Joey: No, sorry, I thought you were with him

I texted loads more people, but no one had seen him.

I texted again, "Hey Troye, so um where are you? I'm worried no one has seen you"

No response.

I ran to the hotel as fast as I could. Where was Troye? I raced up the stairs and ran to his room. I knocked about ten times and I was about ready to knock down the door before I realized it was unlocked.

Damn Tyler, why you gotta be so dumb?

I raced into his hotel room and searched and he was no where to be found. I sat down on the bed with my head in my hands and thought to myself, 'Troye, where are you?'

A/N: ahhhh new chappyyyy ! so I wrote the first half at like two in the morning yesterday and I just looked at the clock and it's literally midnight so I apologize if this is shit lol

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