viii. •Tyler•

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vii. •Tyler•

"You what?!"

"I told Zoe."

"I thought we weren't telling people."

"She bullied me into telling her."

"What a bitch! I can't believe she knows about us now."

"No she doesn't!"

"Troye, make up your damn mind, did you tell her or not?"

"I told her about my scars. Not us."

"Why didn't you say so, ya twink?!"

Troye was sitting on the bed in my hotel room and I was pacing around as Troye told me what happened after I'd left him and Zoe. I don't know why, but I really didn't want to tell people about us just yet. I mean, especially the fans. "Troyler" was already a thing people shipped.

"If you just listened-"

"Don't even go there."

"Are we actually arguing?" He sighed.

"You're right," I sat down next to him on the bed and let out a deep breath, "I- I just don't feel like it's the right time for people to know."

"Are you embarrassed of me?" He quietly mumbled.

"Troye, I would never be embarrassed of you, you're absolutely perfect." I replied. I hated when his confidence dropped like that.

"Are you sure," He looked up at me with his beautiful eyes.

"I'm sure," I leaned down and kissed him.

"Tilly, I want to do something," He bit his lip.

"What is it love?"

"I want to make a video," He said, his voice a little stronger, "a coming out video."

I gave him a hug and said, "Of course."

We got out a camera and sat it down on a place where it would be apropriate to make a video. We were using natural light because it was much easier to do that in the hotel room.

He pushed the record button and sat down in front of the camera.

"Hey, what's up you guys it's Troye Sivan and this is probably the most nervous I've ever been in my entire life, um but yeah I'm going to try and deal with it because I have something that I have to tell you guys that you can probably see by the title of this video," I grabbed his hand and squeezed it, reminding him that I was right here with him.

He told them the date and said, "the reason I am telling you this is because three years ago to this exact date, I told my family that I am gay. And now today, I want you guys to know that I'm gay."

I was so proud of Troye. Coming out is one of the hardest thing a gay person has to go through and I'm so happy that Troye has the courage to come out to his viewers.

"It feels kind of weird to have to announce it like this, but I feel like you guys are real friends of mine and I share everything with the internet. This is not something that I'm ashamed of and it's not something that anyone should have to be ashamed of," he glanced over at me and smiled, " I'm terrified. I know that some people are going to have a problem with this and I know that this could kind of change everything for me, but I think that's why it's important that people make videos like this."

My smile was so huge, plastered across my face as Troye talked to the camera, biting his lip and showing signs of his nervousness. He would glance over at me every once and awhile and I would give him a reassuring smile to show that he was doing a great job.

"I'm still the same Troye, I'll still be making the same videos, and this is just some new information about me. Now that you know this new information, I'm going to just fill you in on this part of my life."

He continued to talk about things and how he'd always known he'd been gay and how being gay had scared him when he was younger. He talked about how he originally told Kayla and how when he first came out to her, he was not ready at all whatsoever. I thought about how proud I was of him for doing this and how much more I loved him.

"Between the ages of fourteen and a half and fifteen, I did all I knew how to do which is go on my laptop. I went on YouTube and watched all the coming out videos that I could find and that were probably posted on YouTube. If it wasn't for these brave, brave people, I don't know where I'd be today."

Troye had tears brimming in his eyes and I started to get up to go over to him but he looked at me and shot me a look, telling me that he could handle it and to stay where I was.

"And yeah, I really don't know where I'd be and that it's okay. I mean, it showed me that there are people out there living happy, healthy lives and they are absolutely fine and they happen to be gay as well. "

He then talked about how he went and came out to Kayla for real this time, and explained to her about everything he had been through in the past six
months. He talked then about how he came out to his family.

"...because Dad, I'm gay."

"You really couldn't speak?" I couldn't help but ask.

"Yeah, I actually couldn't say anything even though I knew that he'd be totally accepting of me." I just nodded and made a gesture for him to continue his video. He continued to talk about how he told each of his best friends and I smiled, happy that Troye always had people that genuinely cared about him.

"Im surrounded with such amazing people and if anything it brought me and them much closer than we ever were before," He said while glancing at me at the end of the phrase and I knew he was talking about me.

" You know, whenever there's those 'It Gets Better' videos online for people, like sometimes it's really really shit in the beginning, but I'm here to tell you that it does get better, for, for everyone," He looked down at the floor slightly as he said that phrase, hoping that it would also get better for him, "Well, my message is, is that it can be good right from the start. You know, you can never smooth sail out of the closet," and I chuckled.

"Well this video has probably been the hardest video to make that I've ever made but I hope that nothing will change between us. I will put my email address in the downbar so you can contact me with any questions or wearies and I'm also going to put a whole lot of resources for young gay teens in the description that I hope will help you out. Like, the resources that helped me out when I was a fourteen year old. I love you guys so much. Seriously I do, I really do," He smiled at me with a huge smile and I got those silly butterflies that I always got when he smiled at me.

"Do I do the wink in this video? Is this video too serious for the wink?" He looked up at me and I quickly shook my head, "Naaaah, okay. I love you guys so much and I'll see you next week," He did he signature wink at the end of his videos and said, "Byyyye."

I rushed over turned the camera off and gave him the biggest hug ever.

"I'm so proud of you," I mumbled in his ear.

"Thanks, Tilly. I love you," he whispered.

"I love you, too."

A/N: Aw, happiness! I know this chapter was kind of boring and pretty much Troye's real coming out video, but this week has been a busy week at school but now it's Friday and I have the weekend to write, woo! Thanks for reading and please vote loves <3


Fixing Him (A Troyler Fanfiction) [UNDER EDITING]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora