Authors Note: Please Read!

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Hey guys! Sorry I haven't updated all week, I got really sick, sprained my wrist, and I have loads of projects for school but I promise there will be an update within the week!

Also, if you haven't already, PLEASE go and donate to The Trevor Project.

The Trevor Project is a society to help prevent teen suicide in the LGBT community. As a person who has dealt first hand with depression and such that fact that something like this exists is great. You have no idea who is going through all of this, it could be your best friend and you might not even know. So please, donating would be an amazing thing to do.

We are currently at $475,225. We have around two days to raise $15k and I have faith we can do it.

This is for such a good cause and you'll be saving lives! Every little bit helps. Think of it this way, instead of buying two starbucks drinks, donate! We have until Monday night 12:00 Midnight PST. Also, for a reward for reaching this goal, we're gonna get a troyler kiss?! But put all of that aside, it's for an amazing cause so all of you should please go donate. 

Even though the chance that we're going to get a troyler kiss is very high, please don't just do it for that. Think about how many lives you're saving by doing this. 

BY THE WAY, I got tickets to playlist tristate! I'm really excited and I want to meet some of your precious faces so let me know if you'll be going! :)


I love you guys & I promise I'll update as soon as I can.


Fixing Him (A Troyler Fanfiction) [UNDER EDITING]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora