Chapter 42

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They arrived at the beach as the sun was just above the line of the ocean. Percy set down the worms and readied his fishing rod. Turin sat down on a rock and did the same.
"I hope you have a good time with all your friends and family ." Turin said.
Not all my friends. Percy thought bitterly. "Yeah...I wonder if the time is different there than here. Like I've been gone for about a month and a half here, but what if only a day has passed there?"
Turin cast out his rod and watched the waves. The sun set strange shadows and made the ocean look purple tinted and the sky peach and pink.
Turin opened his mouth to speak but then closed it again. Percy looked at him, confused. "What was that?"
"Nothing." Turin looked away.
"Seriously, what was it?" said Percy, genuinely wondering what is was Turin had to say.
"It's just..what said it's only been like a month and a half here, right? Well what if instead of a day's years? One year could probably break one of them but what if it's a hundred or hundreds?"
"They've all gotten through me being missing for 8 months. Another 4 couldn't hurt that much." Percy said wistfully. He wasn't sure if what he said was true. He ignored what Turin said about hundreds of years passing.
There was a small silence between them. Then Turin looked up. "Got one!" He exclaimed. Turin started to reel it in.
Percy felt a large tug on his line. "Me too!" He reeled it in but was unable to. It was too large. His fishing line snapped.
Frustrated, Percy lifted the water around the fish, making the fish come with it. Turins line lifted as Percy hoisted his catch onto the beach. They had the same creature on two lines.
Turin gaped as Percy lifted a shark onto the beach. He fumbled to take out his dagger. After a quick motion from Percy, he killed the shark cleanly.
Percy wiped a little bit of sweat from his forehead. "Well that was quick."
"Yup," Turin replied. "Let's keep fishing a little. Dad doesn't have time to fish for stick in the shop. He's still recovering. All of those who were held captive were really malnourished."
Percy nodded. "Sounds good. But I don't have a rod."
Turin duh around in his bag for a minute then came up with a rope net. He tossed it to Percy. "Can you use the water for that?"
Shaking his head, Percy inspected the net. "I think it might just fall through. But maybe if you hold one end I can have a wave carry me while I hold the other, and go in a loop, then get back in land, and BAM!" He clapped his hands together. "We have a net full of fish."
"That was a terrible explanation," commented Turin. "But I think I get it."
    Percy stepped onto the water and ordered it to carry him. He went in a horseshoe shape starting from where Turin was, holding the other edge of the net.
    The net got heavy very quickly. It was hard to hold onto. Percy could tell Turin was almost having the same trouble. He had to dig his feet into the sand.
    Percy realized he was going out too far and pressed the water to bring him back to shore.
    He looked at Turin when he got down. "Pull!" Percy walked backwards further onto the beach. Turin did the same.
    The net had about 35 fish in it. "Wow," gaped Turin. "I don't think we'll ever go out of stock now."
    Percy looked guilty. "Sorry I won't be here to do this more often."
    Turin sighed. "It's fine. For now let's just bring this up the hill. Tomorrow..tomorrow Loki should be ready."

Turning Tides (Percy Jackson/HTTYD crossover)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz