Chapter 28

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Percy woke up the next morning, reinvigorated. Turin was at his house packing food for the journey. Who knew how long it would take to reach the cave with three people on one dragon?
Percy dressed into his flight suit and saddled up Snapstorm. He made sure everything was in the saddlebags. Then he ran down part of the hill to Turins house and banged on the door.
Turin answered almost right away. A wide smile was on his face. "Packed for three days clothing and food for me and Dumaad and a little extra." He said.
Percy looked around Turins shoulder at Dumaad. He had grown a considerable size over the night, now being about the size of a car door.
Percy waved out Turin. "Let's go get Hiccup. He should be all packed."
The four of them ran up the hill to Hiccups hut. Hiccup was sitting outside, already dressed and packed bags laying next to him. He stood up when he saw the two boys and dragons.
"Ready as I'll ever be." Responded Turin.
"Have we all got weapons?" Inquired Hiccup.
Percy uncapped Riptide which glistened under the sun. Turin froze. "I've never had a weapon."
Hiccup held up a finger. "One second." He ran inside of his hut and came out a moment later. He handed Turin a silver dagger. The sun shone on it like a spotlight. "Gronkle iron. Very reflective and hard to break even for a dragon." He explained.
As Turin thanked Hiccup Percy climbed onto Snaps back. He patted the dragons about. "This is gonna be rough. Are you sure you can do it?"
    The dragon snorted almost like, You doubt my abilities, tiny human? Percy smiled though he didn't understand the full meaning.
    "I know you can." He turned to watch as Hiccup, Turin, and Dumaad mounted. "All packed and ready?" They nodded. "Then let's be off!"
    Almost as if cued in, Snap spread his wings and flapped downward. The wind swooshed underneath them. The ascended higher and higher into the air until they were only miles or so away from the clouds.
    The weather was warm enough but not quite sunny. The clouds hung high in the sky. The sun peeked through the clouds here and there but for the most part it slunk behind the puffy white sheets.
Percy watched the water down below and closed his eyes. Never before had he felt so in place while in the sky. This was a place where Zeus could not get him, where Zeus did not exist. He let out a happy sigh.
Turin seemed scared but excited at the same time. He had never gotten to actually fly but only glide. He gripped the saddle with both hands.
    Percy could understand Turins fear. Poor kid, he thought. Never got to truly fly until now.
    Percy quickly lost track of time. Hours seemed to convert to minutes. Faster than he could have guessed, Snap landed on a mountain overhanging the sea.
    Much clanging and clamor sounded from the cave directly underneath them. A few feet in front and about ten feet down lay the mouth of it.

I feel like I never update ;-;. BUT GUESS WHAT?! I GOT ACCEPTED INTO WarriorMoore! I'm a lot happier than I should be but I've never been in a joint account before and it makes me very happy.

Turning Tides (Percy Jackson/HTTYD crossover)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt