Chapter 22

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The waves sloshed against it as the ship rocked back and forth. Percy and Snap were sitting in the back while Hiccup was in the front speaking to the Captain.
In the middle of their conversation, Hiccup waved Percy over. "He wants to know what all happened."
Percy's face turned bright red at the thought of explaining that he had killed them so quickly because he was thinking of his friends.
"I-uh..I've fought tougher." Not the complete truth, but not lying either.
"Really now? Like what?" Inquired the Captain.
"Loads of things. Hydras, Giants, Titans, centaurs, Cyclopses, other demigods. The list could go on and on."
The Captain looked interested. "What's a demigod?"
"Demigods are people like me. Half god, half mortal. My Dad is Poseidon, god of the sea. That's why I can control water."
The Captain laughed and slapped his knee. "That's a good one, it is! There is no god called Poseidon!"
Percy put his face in his hands. Not from shame or anything, but from the own man's stupidity.
When Percy looked up they were nearing Berk. Hiccup looked at Percy. "Come with me when we get there. I have some medical supplies in my place."
Percy nodded. He helped Snap down the ship to the dock. Snap licked his face and Percy smiled widely.
"Let's go bud." Hiccup told Toothless. They raced up the hill. Hiccup beat Toothless, for the night fury was tired after his long treks back and forth.
    Percy and Snap exchanged simultaneous glances. Then they each darted up the hill. Snap, of course, beat Percy. Wings do not mean slower running.
    Percy smiled. Hiccup smiled back. Without a warning, Toothless ran up the hill. "Hey! Get back here!" Hiccup followed. Then Snap and Percy.
    They were all aiming for the Great Hall, which was almost at the top. It was carved into the stone cliff that led all the way up to Gothi's hut.
      Hiccup tried shoving Toothless off to the side. Percy almost imagined a NASCAR narrator voice.
Oh, and here goes Hiccup, trying to get rid of one of his opponents by shoving him off the track!
Hiccup takes the lead! Hiccup laughed and Toothless rolled a few feet. He shook his scales and continues running. Toothless is back in the race!
Snap pulled ahead of Percy. Percy sent a wave to crash over the other three and he kept running.
They all started running again but eventually Snap and Toothless started wrestling. Oh! And here we have a nasty crash! Hiccup and Percy and neck and ne-
Percy tripped over a rock and brushed himself off. "Vroom!" He said stamping his foot. Then he looked up. Hiccup was staring at him. "I said that loud, didn't I?"
Hiccup nodded. "What is a 'vroom' anyways?"
Percy put his arm around Hiccups shoulders. "You, my friend, have much to learn."

Turning Tides (Percy Jackson/HTTYD crossover)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant