Chapter 19

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    Percy was trembling. People tried to comfort him but Snap wouldn't let anybody near him. If they approached he bit the air next to them, a clear warning.
    Eventually Hiccup came riding Toothless. "I came as quick as I could!" He announced. Then he saw Percy and rushed over. He knelt down. "What happened?" Percy shook his head as if he had been asked a yes or no question. Snapstorm watched with interest. He dare not challenge the Viking chief but he was still scared for his rider.
    Hiccup wrapped his arm around Percy. "Let's get you back." He helped Percy stand.
    Toothless seemed to be conversing with Snap. The black, feline-like dragon was trying to tell Snap to follow him and Hiccup. Snap made a strange sound, which Toothless took as a yes.
    Percy climbed into Snap and hugged the dragons neck, careful not to touch his frills or injuries.
Fatigue began to take its place and Percy's thoughts became muddled. One moment he was thinking about Leo, the next he was thinking about fishing. He let his body go limp during the ride, entirely relying on Snap to keep him up.
He shot upward, realizing he had almost slipped off.
Snap had not been ready for that. Percy fell down to the ocean. He sunk deeper and deeper, not bothering to resurface.
Toothless noticed that and whirled around, trying to catch him before he fell. He was too late, possibly twenty feet away when Percy hit the water. Hiccup watched with deep concern etched into his eyes.
He stuttered and spoke to both dragons. "W-we'll camp on that nearby island." He said, pointing to a large chunk of ice and rock. Snap dove down and sat at the shore, waiting for Percy to come up.
When he landed, Hiccup made a small fireplace. Toothless lit it up. The sky was darkening. Hiccup sat as the hours went by.
He looked at Toothless. "If he can control water, do you think he can breathe it?"
Toothless let out a sigh and laid his head on his paws.
Hiccup nodded. "I hope so too."
Eventually Hiccup gave into the fact that he needed sleep. Snap had already fallen asleep at the oceans edge. Hiccup lay next to Toothless and let darkness overcome him.

Hiccup woke up to a harsh nudge from Toothless and a wail from the younger dragon, Snap.
A Deadly Nadder had found where they camped and targeted them. Thankfully it was only one, but it was firing tail spikes at Percy's dragon.
Snap tried to fly up and fight it back but the tail spike had punctured his wings.
Great, thought Hiccup. They have Deadly Nadders too.
Hiccup nudged Toothless back and slowly climbed into him. As soon as he was secured, Toothless sped into the air. The night sky camouflaged him.
Toothless sped up until he was behind and above the Nadder. Toothless tucked in his wings and zoomed down. He hit the attacking dragon full force.
The dragon sped down to the ground. Toothless followed it, now flapping his wings, intentionally slowing down. If he hadn't he might have slammed straight into the ground.
The had Nadder lost control when it was knocked from the air. It plummeted to the beach and landed on one of its own tail spikes that had been fired at Snap.
"No!" Yelled Hiccup. Toothless descended faster and in almost no time was on the beach. He ran over to the impaled dragon, stumbling over his own feet.
Tears welled in his eyes as he cradled the dragons large head in his arms. He had only meant to stop it from attacking, not kill it.
He had never wanted to kill a dragon. If he ever had Toothless would be dead, Astrid never would have liked him, nothing would be the way it was today.
The nadders blood soaked into the soft white sand. It stained the knees of Hiccups suit.
He held the dragons head close to his own and whispered two words. "I'm sorry."

I feel like I haven't updated in ages even though it was only 11 hours ago. Thanks for reading!
If I can get maybe 10 likes and just a few comments, I'll post at LEAST four more chapters from here to Monday. Peace.

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