Chapter 27

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Hiccup sat on the bench and leaned forward. "We need to talk."
Percy resisted the urge to roll his eyes. I gathered that. "About what?" His politeness was strained but neither Turin or Hiccup seemed to care or notice.
Percy leaned against a pillar inside the home while Turin sat in a dining chair, stormcutter in his lap. Snap sat on the ground next to Percy.
Hiccup sighed. "It's about..whatever is in that cave. It's causing trouble. The villagers are getting upset and unsettled. I sent numerous boats there to investigate but none of them came back." He sighed again and put his head in his hands.
Toothless was nowhere to be seen to comfort his Rider so Snap saw it as his place to step in. He nuzzled Hiccups hand, which seemed to slightly lighten the chiefs mood.
Percy shifted uncomfortably. Everything seemed to be moving so quickly. He had only been here slightly over a month and he was being trusted with this other than the council. He looked up.
"Why didn't you call over those other people? Your girlfriend and mother and friends?"
    Hiccup looked slightly guilty. "They got mad at me for not letting them go and they went on their own."
    Percy looked bewildered. "And..I'm assuming..they haven't come back?"
   Hiccup hesitated. "Yeah.."
    Turin had been staring at the floor most of the time. Now, he looked up. Rage swirled in his eyes. "Is that why my dad hasn't come back?"
   Hiccup nodded looking at the ground. Snap went back to his spot by Percy almost as if he was disappointed with Hiccup.
    Hiccup went to change the topic. He looked at Percy. "Do you know why that egg was so special?" Percy shook his head.
    "It's because a prophecy went with the egg. It goes like, When the mind plays tricks and the sky roars, go to the sea, for it will have the answers."
    "That sounded when we grabbed the egg from a cave when we were exploring. Everybody was scared of it. But now most of the prophecy makes sense. When they sky roars, that must mean all of those attack dragons. And the sea, Percy, you must be the sea."
Hiccup had regained his spirit and gentle yet bold tone. Percy looked at him, confused. Turin just watched while glowering.
"I've had enough prophecies for a life time." Percy muttered under his breath. "So what do you want me to go do? Talk to whatever is in the cave?"
    Hiccup sighed again. "I don't know..I just need Astrid back!" He looked on the verge of tears.
    Percy knew what he was going through. He missed Annabeth so much. "I'll help you get her back." He reassured Hiccup. "When do we leave?"
    Hiccup looked up at him miserably. "You decide. Toothless isn't here to help me plan."
    Percy patted Hiccups shoulder. "Snap can probably get all of us. Isn't that right?" He looked hopefully at the dragon, who then nodded.
    He started towards the door, Turin, Snap, and Dumaad close behind him. "First thing tomorrow."

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