Chapter 17

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    Percy saddled up Snapstorm. "Cmon Buddy.." he said as he hoisted it up. The dragon wriggled himself so it fit. Percy patted his sharp angular snout.
    Today the two were going to go gliding. There were now guards posted at the Wilderness, so it was far more safer than before. Percy fitted on one of the nicer outfits. Apparently it was called a flight suit. This was the only one other than Hiccups.
    It looked sort of like the outfit Percy wore the first time. It had two brown leather shoulder pads with the frills the same color as Snaps. There were some sort of buttons in the gloves. There was a gear at the hip. Sea blue scales in the front and a strap going from his right hip to his left shoulder.
    There was more leather that was almost like a vest that was on top of the scales. It covered the top half of his torso and the bottom turned into some sort of strands attaching it to something. Percy noticed there were actually three gears at the belt. One for the right arm, one for the left arm, and one for..the back frill? He just went along with it.
    It had bracers almost like a modern day cast but it was easier to move. Percy finished admiring his suit and mounted Snap. The dragon charged out of his stable/room and down the hill. They were at the docks in no time.
    Percy let Snap carry him aboard. He was wearing his silver mask with a brown leather bottom. He guessed it was like a helmet, so it was smart to wear it.
    When they arrived at the island Percy and Snap darted off the ship. Snap made his way up the cliff. Without warning he jumped. He flapped his wings. It was like he had just been waiting to show Percy this for a long time.
Percy put his arms up. "Yeah!" He called. Snap flew in circles a few times getting higher and higher. Then he decided to try some tricks. He corkscrewed the the air, almost throwing Percy off. The son of the sea god held on, his heart beating faster than ever.
It was exhilarating. They soared through the air above the lake and waterwall. They landed next to a geyser.
Percy smiled widely. He took off his helmet and playfully punched Snapstorm in the shoulder. "That was awesome!" He yelled. It echoed through the small canyon. A few guards turned their heads. Then all was silent for a few moments then a scream cut through the air.

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