Chapter 30

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They all marched into the cave, treading lightly. The tunnel was lit by the sun for the first few feet. The cave was dark ahead of them. A speck of light shone at the end.
I guess that's where we are going, thought Percy. Another angry roar echoed through the cave. A sound like a small yet powerful explosion followed closely behind.
     Percy noticed Riptide had appeared in his pocket. He didn't think much of it, though.
Nobody spoke, all keeping thought to themselves. They all worked as a team now, and were perfectly capable of improvising. They also all knew that if they were to make a sound their position may be given away.
Dumaad had had a growth spurt since they had come from Berk. He was about the size of a dresser but still not big enough to ride. At least he would be able to fight and if very necessary, run away.
They end of the tunnel seemed to go on forever, slowly shrinking further away from them with every step.
     After what felt like hours but had only been minutes, they reached the end of the tunnel. They peered in cautiously. The cave was large, twice the size of the Great Hall. It was lit by torches and a great feast table lay at the end. A single man sat there.
    A red carpet rolled down to the feast table. The rest of the room was open and bare. Cold stone slabs were the floor.
    Carved inside the wall were holding cells. Each cell was made to fit three people but most had around five crammed in there. They could move freely but it must have felt uncomfortable.
    Percy's stomach churned when he saw hanging from the large, shadowy, arched ceiling were cages with dragons inside of them. They let out bellowing roars. A blue purple ball of plasma struck empty wall.
That's where the roars came from!
    Hiccup seems excited. "Toothless!" He called out, ignoring the fact he had given them away.
    The man did not seem surprised. He turned towards them and watched as Snap and Dumaad flew up to the other dragon cages.
    Turin ran to the side cages of people. "Dad!" He cried out. He reached for his dad but the iron bars kept him at bay. "Dad!" He cried out once more, trying to reach out and hug him.
    Percy set his hand on Turin's shoulder. He looked at Geir, Turin's dad. "I promise I will get you out alive." What he said was not for Geir who had treated him so poorly but for Turin. Percy remembered what it had been like when he had thought he lost Leo, and still felt the pain of being away from Annabeth.
    Still, the young man watched silently from his seat all the way across the room. He locked his green eyes on Hiccup. Hiccup held the stare, a menacing glint in his eye.
    Percy took this time to watch survey the man. He was tall and lean. He wore a golden chest plate, bracers, and shin guards engraved with ancient Norse runes. Beneath that he wore a black shirt and leggings. A green cape billowed in the airy cave. His hair was brushed back. He was pale and his eyes as green as his cape.
    Percy could not figure out who it was. The man stood up. "Who are you?" Challenged Hiccup.
    "I am Loki."

I stole the avengers look for him because it's the only one that fits! Sorry. I'm just using the look that's all no worries.

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