Chapter 40

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    Percy lay on his back, not wanting to move. Every time he did he entered terrible pain. Sometimes he heard people talking about him but could never find out who it was. Black spots danced at the edge of his vision.
    "He has no reason to be healthy anymore," said one person. "So if he doesn't want to fight it, he won't."
    "I can't imagine losing mine." said another.
    Around midday Hiccup came around when Turin had left to go fishing. He could have ridden Toothless home but he saw fit to tend to the people on the ships.
    Hiccup sat down on one of the benches. He sat there silently for a while. Then he spoke up. "You haven't eaten at all for the past three days."
    "I'm not hungry," grumbled Percy.
    "Well you still have to eat. I'll have somebody bring you some bread and cheese."
    Hiccup walked off. Soon after he returned with the bread and cheese. "There was nobody available," he explained.
    They were silent for about ten minutes when Percy was the one to break the ice. "So how about Loki?"
     Percy rolled his eyes. "What agreements did you make with Loki?"
    "We agreed he can have an altar in the feast hall."
    "Why would you do that?" Percy asked in a low growl.
    Hiccup sighed. "I don't like him anymore than you do. It's just I don't want this happening again."
    "What do the villagers think of this?"
    "They don't know the whole truth."
    "Then what do they know?"
    "They think he was possessed by Thor, because Thor was fed up with his tricks on Asgard. Everybody understands it on both sides, and now we've just added Loki to our worship." Hiccup paused. "And before you ask, my council knows the truth. They helped me with that idea."
    "Okay," Percy's answer was short and simple.
    Hiccup looked down. "Well...I'll leave you alone then."
When he left Percy slowly sat up. When he stretched he tried to ignore the pain from the dagger. His face contorted into a grimace. He then let his body relax and and sat cross-legged taking small bites of bread.
Percy thought as he ate. Annabeth lost her dagger from the fall to Tartarus! he thought excitedly, though his facial expression gave nothing away. That wasn't the real Annabeth!
    Percy already knew that but this piece of evidence made him happier and more reassured.
    Percy gulped down the rest of his food, which suddenly seemed more appetizing. He was thirsty and started to wonder if he could drink sea water, being a son of Poseidon.
He shook the thought. Now wasn't the time for possibly killing himself, he was going to find Loki and talk to him.
Finding Loki was easy. He always had six guards around him, heavily armed. They generally formed a circle around him.
    The guards sidestepped as Percy approached. Percy did his best to act tough and ignore the pain. He put in a straight face. When he knelt down beside Loki Percy motioned for the guards to be dismissed.
    The guards walked off. Percy looked at Loki, his eyes suddenly pleading. "If I let you out of the net," he began. "Can you heal me?"
    Loki nodded. "Most of it. But your MIGHT never be the same. I don't know if your Greek gods have better limitations or not, maybe they could fix it."
    "Please." Said Percy. "Anything that can help." He paused. "And...if I let you out you have to stay. Hiccup still had much more discussing to do with you and I need to get home."
    Loki nodded. "Let me out". He said. Percy obeyed.
    Loki put out his hands and set them on Percy's shoulders. He closed his eyes.
    It took a few minutes for Percy to start to feel any change. Then he felt more pain, excruciating pain. Percy grit his teeth and breathed heavily, doing his bets not to scream.
Loki then pulled his hands away. "I'm no doctor but I think I did some good. It should heal faster but it'll be much more painful. Give it about two days and you should feel a lot better than originally."
Grimacing, Percy nodded and sorely made his way back to his area in the back of the ship.

Turning Tides (Percy Jackson/HTTYD crossover)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن