Chapter 5

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Hiccup led Percy back up the hill and to a hidden cabin beside the Great Hall. "You'll be staying here." He explained. "Everything is provided. Food, clothes, bed. Tomorrow I'll take you to the hatchery, eh?"
Percy just nodded. He was gazing at the room. Small, but so beautiful. "Yup." He wandered off and sat on the bed.
"Sheep wool, from our own farms. Enjoy your room." Hiccup closed the door behind him.
Percy looked inside the closet. A sweatshirt and jeans in Viking times? He would look like an idiot, or a diety. He would prefer looking like an idiot.
He pulled out something and put them on. Shoulder pads and bracers included. Cool. It was made of leather and had a sea green blue coloring. The other ones had colors like brown and red, but Percy preferred this one.
Percy walked over to the "kitchen" which was just a wooden counter with food set out. He took a chicken, cooked it over a small fire, and ate it. Not bad..
His mind wandered off and he looked around some more. In the closet there were a few simple tunics and leggings. There was a first aid kit, which seems sort of weird. Did Vikings get hurt often?
There was a bucket of water, which made sense, considering most of the dragons breathed fire. Percy flopped down into the bed chewing on some jerky.
"I could get used to this..."

A/N: Sorry for not updating, I've been procrastinating. Bye now. (So short lol)

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