Chapter 25

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    Percy and Turin walked down the hill with no real intentions of where to go. They just spoke about whatever they wanted, what little stories they had.
    Percy was just finishing his story of the fight with Gaea when they stopped. They had reached the bottom of the hill which was a very far way down. The  ocean lapped at their boots. It appeared red because the setting sun glinted down upon it.
    "Yknow,"started Turin. "I've heard stories. About you being able to control the water."
    Percy nodded. "Yeah. Want to see?" Turin nodded back.
    With a flick of his hand Percy created an orb of water which he let hover over the sea for a minute. Then he releases the flow of energy and let it fall back down and joined the tides.
    Turin had a calm reaction. "I don't understand how you do it." He watched the spot where the orb had sunk back within the waves.
    "My dad is the god of the sea, Poseidon." Percy explained.
    "We have Njord." He was silent and continued staring at the water. Percy could tell he was thinking and let him be.
    After a while he looked back up at Percy. "I've never thought of there being other gods before."
    "Gods are...confusing. They have multiple personas. I'll use Greek and Roman for an example." Percy began. "Hera is the Greek goddess of marriage and the heavens. Her Roman form is Juno. But she is still the same perso-uh, god. Now take Bellona. She's the Roman goddess of war. There is no Greek side to her. She full Roman. So the way I see it is they all exist whether they have multiple personalities or not."
    Turin seemed quite confused. "So..Njord is technically your dad?"
    Percy shrugged. "I guess so."
    Turin cracked a smile. "I'm sitting here with a son of Njord." He didn't portray much disbelief, but Percy knew it was there.
    Percy smiled too. "I guess you are."

It's not that long, sorry. I just haven't updated in ages. But guess what! I got a new charger! It's 6 feet long! Yepokaybye

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