Chapter 8

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    Hiccup took Percy back to the cabin. He seemed sort of upset, and tried not to show it. "Well have fun with your new dragon I guess." He started to leave but poked back into the door. "Don't forget to name it." As soon as Hiccup left the baby dragon snapped its tiny jaws at Percy's hand.
    "I'll name you Snappy," he decided. The dragon seemed content, and so Percy was.

    Hiccup made his way down to his cabin. Astrid was waiting him sitting on the bed. She saw her boyfriend seems slightly upset. "What's wrong?" She inquired. "What happened?"
    Hiccup sat next to Astrid. "It's nothing. I just feel like Percy is more..powerful. I mean he is but do you know what I mean? I'm supposed to have a connection with all the dragons..yet the special one hatched for him."
    Astrid seemed to ponder that. She straightened her shoulder pad and looked back at her beloved. "Well, you can't control everything. Not every burden is yours. Besides, we both know he's here for a reason. All this does is confirm our thoughts."
    "So what do you think he's here for?"
    "Maybe the gods have something planned. Maybe a disaster will happen. We'll have to see how the world plays out."
    Hiccup nodded and swung his arm around Astrids shoulder. "You always know how to make me feel better."

    Percy decided to take Snappy for a walk. Clear his mind, or more, think about what had happened. His dragon wandered around by his feet sniffing everything. Then suddenly he bolted.
Percy panicked and set a mini whirlpool around his new companion. Snappy glared at him. "Bad dragon. We get to go back home." And so they did.
Percy sat in the big sheep wool bed watching the dragon. "On second thought, I don't like your name. I'll call you Snap...something. Snaptooth? Snapfall?" He paused.
"Snapstorm?" The dragon seemed to like it, he moved his head almost like he was nodding.
"Snapstorm it is."

Okay, I derped, I was good to post this tomorrow but I messed up and hit publish. So...enjoy I guess

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