Chapter 29

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    Percy crept to the edge right above the dark abyss, the mouth of the cave. Turin crept beside him. Hiccup was silently tending to Snap while Dumaad fetched the supplies for him.
Another deep roar sounded and the entire mountain shook. The sight looking down made Percy queasy. Hundreds of feet down lay sharp jagged stones with waves hungrily lapping and them. The water tore at the broken ships down below. The sails were torn and wood pulled apart.
Percy had to fight himself not to throw up. Though he could control the water and save himself, he could panic and impale himself on one of the sharp rocks.
Focus on the task at hand, he told himself. He stood back up and walked over to Snap, Dumaad, and Percy. Turin kept watching over the edge careful to spread his weight so he did not collapse the fragile structure.
Percy looked at Hiccup. "Any plans?"
Hiccup sighed. "We just have to go in there and see what it is. I'm willing to give my life other than lose more of my villagers. It's my only hope that they are still alive."
And if I lose my life you do not care? Thought Percy bitterly. He quickly shook the thought. This was just another obstacle he had to overcome. Maybe when he finished it his friends would be just on the other side, waiting for him.
    "We can go in when the sun is setting. Maybe whatever it is will be asleep then." Turin suggested while walking up behind them.
    Hiccup nodded. "Sounds smart. Everybody rest up, okay?" The others nodded. Turin took out his bedroll and so did Hiccup.
Percy lay next to Snap for warmth. The dragon wrapped his wigs and paws around it's Rider. He hummed contentedly.
Percy didn't sleep but simply rested. He closed his eyes and let his energy refill but never fully went to sleep. It was not because of fear but of excitement. Excitement that he might see Annabeth soon.
    Before he even knew it the sun was setting. He shook awake Snap as he got up. He woke up Turin too. Hiccup was already up making dinner.
    Hiccup looked at them. "I made some fish. They're all salmon though, sorry."
    Percy twitched his nose. "Thanks." He grabbed a plate and handed it to Turin.
    "And thank you." Turin said while sitting down to eat his food. Percy sat down as well.
Percy didn't want to eat the fish but he did anyways, knowing he would need the strength.
"Are we all ready?"

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