An Archer

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I don't remember where I brought myself from the watchtower, I remember it was almost night when I arrived which meant I was somewhere on the west coast. When Kayla and I were still hiding I had installed a few different safe houses for us, more for her but whatever. I never told anyone about them and I don't think she had so I was safe. This particular one was nicer than some of the others. It had a real bed with blankets, not a matt on the floor, as well as a larger room for food and minor equipment that would be useful only for defending one's self. I didn't need that, I still had my full suit, and the pockets were mostly full of the tools I would need. I started thinking, 'Maybe I overreacted to Superman's threat, he wasn't really going to kill me. I mean, I wasn't even in control of myself. I didn't know what I was doing and I told Batman as soon as I did know.' Another thought dawned on me, 'Nightwing said he'd wait one week to tell the league. It wasn't even one day.' Somehow I didn't resent him for it. I had done something horrible, even if it wasn't even me. I knew I had to be ready in case the League of Assassins came after me again. Though based on how they threw me out I didn't know for certain if they would or not.I set up some targets on the far wall in the 'bed' room, then thought better of it. If I'm in some city I should at least remember what city I'm from. I change into civilian clothes, hide my suit and other stuff all around the safe house, and go out. The building I was in used to be a prestigious hotel but got old, condemned, and unused.

As I walked about the streets I looked like any other young girl without a parent, not that there were many of those but a few here and there. She didn't bother looking into stores and shops, I was more interested in what Superhero controlled this city. I wasn't looking for trouble, it just tends to find me. I was looking for signs that something was up where a hero might appear, after a while, I passed a police station.

Stay City Police Department

Me, 'So Green Arrow is here, I wonder if he's doing anything exciting today?'

A few blocks down I hear a muffled scream, hardly for a second but I knew it was there. I walked to where I thought it was, though my instincts told me to run, running would draw unwanted attention. I found the ally I thought it had come from, I took a quick glance around and walked in. I then realized how late it was getting, dusk was just setting upon the city. I heard a struggle, hardly anything but there. I peered around the corner and say it. A big man and a couple smaller ones surrounded a young woman, fancy clothes, jeweled purse jewelry everywhere, tall spike heels. This was one of the high-end city people who had all the money in the world. Even her blond hair looked perfect. But the makeup around her dark eyes looked gaudy.

Somewhere in the back of my mind, I knew her.

The only thing out of place with here was her eyes. Not the look of the eye itself, but the look she had in here eye. Even with the accessories, she was no high-end city girl.

The half a dozen guys tightened in around her. If I was to do anything more I would become suspicious, but if I stayed I would become suspicious, if I were to leave I would be suspicious. I stayed glued to the spot. A few of them flicked out knives, I moved to the way, as out of sight as I could without bad repercussions. The girl ditched the purse, 'she is so not normal.' the guys closed in, her hand stuck out really hard it took less than a second but the two guys closest to her were suddenly without their knives. It only made them more upset.

"Ok, little girlie now you've gone and made us mad. So how about you come nicely and-"

A kick to the face stopped him midsentence. "I told you to stay away from me." By the time she said that she was back to a defensive standing position.

Me, 'Tigress!' The look in her eye made sense now, 'but what's she doing in Star City? She split with GA when she became Tigress.' I'll have to think about that later, she had dropped all the guys moaning on the ground. She looked up and saw me.

Artemis, "Hey there little girl are you lost?"

I could NOT stay around here. I ducked back out of the alley into the street, with night falling she might get distracted by some other person.

Artemis, "Hey, wait, come back here."

'Or maybe not, I have to get away from her,' Then a thought struck me, 'technically - by society's definition - I'm homeless, my clothes aren't that grand, I'm a bystander, I could get her to help me,' I was still in a part of the alley. I slid part way behind a dumpster, Wearing my best pathetic, dejected child look I watched here run up, my backward movement would catch her eye.

She walked up to me. She had the same look when she was cornered but her eyes were softer and her openness was slightly surprising. "Hey there, you don't have to be afraid. What are you doing here."

I just mumble out something incoherent.

Artemis, "Can you tell me your name?"

I could lie or maybe Karra would be helpful, depending on how much she knows about Daddy. She shouldn't know very much, "Karra." I couldn't be loud.

Artemis, "Are you with anybody? Someone waiting for you?"

I shook my head, from now on, I'm on my own.

Artemis, "Don't you have a family? Somebody that cares about you?"

I shook my head again, 'not anymore.'

She looked over at the street, "I'm sure you could stay with me and my mom for a little while. At least until we find you a home. Would you like that?"

I had no idea she was this open, if I said yes I wouldn't be able to get back to the safe house, but if I said no I wouldn't be totally 'in character' as a homeless kid. I gave a little nod, she stood up and offered her hand. I took it, she pulled me up and wrapped her arm around my shoulders. I tried to shy away but she held fast, "We'll find you a good place to live."

So I finally got this out, what do you think? It did take a while to get out, I hit writer's block a little bit back, so it may not be as good as some others.

Stay Whelmed :)

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