The Drive/School

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The mission was successful, they got the goons, I got the drive, both the other teams had things too, but I didn't care about that. All I wanted was to be in the back with my holo-computer. "M'gann, I'm going in back" the consistent shatter had stopped.

M'gann, "Is that still a good idea?" I didn't understand what she was talking about. I forced a confused expression. "After last time I mean. With the three months and all." I nodded, but walked back anyway.

I brushed really close to her and whispered, "I'll keep connection." and closed the 'door' behind me. Opening the hologram I slid in the drive, triple encrypted. 'I may have to ask Dick to help with this.'  Looking through different less-encrypted parts I found other interesting stuff, human experiments for Cobra-venom, the extended effects it had for animals, locations for where they were and details of what they had done and were doing. 'Nightwing will like this but I don't care about it, Where are those three months?' They had times from before that, and after, but not during. That part was probably under the triple encryption.

After the dispersal of the team, Darkness went home to see what Batman was up to. Normally I would have gone, but I needed to do something. He was looking through what we had pulled, by we I mean all the squads, he didn't like most of it. "Nightwing, I need to ask a favor."

He turned around, "Well, looks like the shadow has come out. What do you think you want?" I couldn't place his tone, somewhere between indignant and aggravated. It felt good for me.

I gave him a copy I made, it only had the triple encrypted part, I took it off of the other one, "I found this, I can't crack it." I quieted my voice, "It's the three months, I don't want anyone else knowing. I'm only asking you because I don't want Batman to know, this isn't a part of him, not yet." I pulled my arm back in.

He looked at the drive. "And why should I do this for you?"

I looked around, "You're my brother, I'm you're sister, I'm asking for a favor. A favor that can and will be returned."

He smiled, but I believe it was closer to a smirk, "Not like this we aren't, but fine I'll open it, anything specific you're expecting to find?"

I shook my head. "It's the three months as long as I have that open I'll figure out what to do afterward." He nodded and slipped it into his pocket as I turned, now I'll go home, maybe Dad and Kayla are having more fun.

Recognized Midnight, B 27, Blurr, C 03

Batman turned around in his chair as I came through, "Why are you late?"

Me, "I wanted to talk to someone, is it really a problem?"

Batman flipped off his mask, "No, I was just planning on shutting down this Zeta for the day."

I started taking mine off too, "Really, what time is it?"

Bruce, "4:00 AM."

Karra, "Holy crap, I have school in a few hours, and I still need to sleep."

Bruce chuckled, "Kayla's already there. Go on, I'll put this stuff away."

I am 7 years old and in the 7th grade class, being that short means I have to be in front in order to see the board. I don't mind being next to my sister, not like Karra and Kayla. The bad thing is that the buses and scrapes form Midnight and Darkness show through. And long sleeves in summer isn't the best thing to have. Especially if you're a middle school student.

I had seven different teachers, four of them asked about our sweaters. I made a point of us seaming like joker students, the class clown-clowns. We still did well but the sweaters made it easy to hide things for 'magic' tricks. That excuse works ever time. All the teachers believed us. Kayla was mostly calm but happier when we were doing something. The second week of school was easier than the first, we were still moving around in the first week. We may have a class now, expect for the freshman math and 8th grade science. Dad and the compound taught us well. Until we got called into the office.

"Will Karra and Kayla Wayne, Please come to the office. Karra and Kayla Wayne."

 We looked at each other packed up our math and headed down. The principal was there. "You called us?" I was unsure what this was for, and they expect confusion so they would get confusion.

Principal, "Yes come into my office." He led us there. "You already know this but I have to say it anyway so you know where I'm coming from. You're smart enough you'll understand. You are two new students, you constantly come in with cuts and bruises, you have no record anywhere. You are Wayne kids, I am assuming you know Richard Greyson was a Wayne kid. He constantly came in the same way, with the occasional broken bone. I was wondering if you are having any problems with him."

I spoke for Kayla, "We don't have a problem, Dad wouldn't hurt us, not for any reason. As you should understand we are kids, and soon we will be stupid kids, meaning we do dumb things that we in hindsight shouldn't do. But we do them anyway and get hurt. Our Dad isn't a bad person. He's the best things that has ever happened to us." I made a show of crying. "Daddy wouldn't hurt us." Kayla figured it out and silently cried.

He sat back in his chair surprise all over his face. "You care about him I get that," He sighed-he has a really weak will-and let us go.

Kayla looked like she was about to break, "Hey, you handle that OK?"

She looked up, "Oh yeah, I just can't believe, that anyone, would think that Daddy would do that to us. Why do they think that." She was still a child in so many ways, if she wasn't so smart she wouldn't be in middle school.

I put my arm around her and smiled, "Some people just want to watch the world burn, he may be one of them. Wanting to make life difficult for other people, even people they don't know."

Kayla, "Yeah I guess you're right." She smiled back at me.

A/N REFERENCE!!! If any of you caught that Alfred quote three lines up. I really didn't know how to end it and I couldn't put in more team stuff because that has to wait until next chapter, so SCHOOL! Because everybody loves it so much (Can you hear the sarcasm in that?) But yeah, no I hate school, and I got the last idea from another writer on here so thank you. 

Stay Whelmed :)

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