Scene 6

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After hours of training and fighting, Karra, now taking on the code name, Midnight, was finally allowed to battle Batman, or more accurately, Batman let Karra try to attack, and took her down every time.

After the hundredth time of landing on her back, Midnight gave a complaint, "I know its hard to do what you do, but is it really necessary to do this over this many times?" She had a good heart and wanted to train and get better but even her excitement puttered out after hours of bad landings. But she did get up from all of them on her own.

By this time he had gotten into his own suit and given one to here to use, though it was crude and one originally made for Batgirl it would work, for now. He had been working on one made for her to use, with more adaptations from his suit and items Karra had indicated she wanted. "Most battles last longer than this, and the villains don't give time to recover, you have to do that while taking and giving hits."

There was no way Karra could argue with him, there was no possible flaw with his logic. After getting her butt handed to her again and again, she asked to take a brake.

"I am a little impressed with you."

Karra looked and her Dad like he had sprouted three heads, never in history had Batman every given such a blatant complement like that, "For what," she finally stuttered.

"You lasted longer than Nightwing or Robin when they started, and Batgirl didn't even come close to their times. Once you even landed a hit. None of the others did that on their first time." That was what Batman said what Midnight heard was "You have fought me the longest of all my prodigies and come the closes to hindering me in any way."

For the longest time she couldn't talk he was already sitting at his computer and working on her new suit. By the time Alfred came in she had gotten her voice back and was looking through the rest of the Cave.

"Master Bruce, you have a call from Mr. Fox, he says its about the car." The way he said it was suggesting he was not talking about one of his many regular cars.

"I'll be up in a minute." Alfred left while Midnight and Batman finished her suit.

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