Under the Ocean

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The Team and Midnight were in the ocean now the conversation ended in half the Team on the floor in the training room. They also learned she could do the Canary Cry with as much control as Black Canary. After the original Team was on the floor, and knowing she was trained by Batman no one wanted to try to take down Midnight. None of that helped relations at all, but some of them did have a little respect for her being such a good fighter, very little.

As they were swimming they said nothing until they were a quarter-mile away when Midnight stopped, listening for something.

Superboy listened to, "I don't hear anything. What are we waiting for?"

Midnight waited another moment and spoke to Aqualad, "This is your world here more than mine do you know anything about here that seams amiss?"

He thought for a moment and responded, "Now that you mention it I cannot hear the creatures, the fish are gone and there are no sharks or anything else here that I can see."

"That's what I thought. Let's keep going."

She turned and swam closer to the looming edge of the Mid-Atlantic Rift.

Aqualad, "Miss Martian, Link us up." He was referring to the mental link they use to communicate, because the coms would likely be jammed. M'gann closed her eyes and put the link together. At the same moment Midnight screamed and grabbed her head. Her normally black eyes seamed darker and more menacing than before.

  Kaldur'ahm was by her in a second, "What is  wrong?" He tried to keep at least a little quite.

"Get out of my head!" She grunted through breaths and screams.

Kaldur'ahm, "M'gann can you feel Psimon around?"

M'gann, "He's not here, I don't know what's wrong!"

"YOU!" Midnight screamed again, "GET OUT OF MY HEAD!" she tried to lunge at Miss Martian but was far to overcome by the pain in her head.

"Disconnect the link!" Kaldur no longer cared about being quite he wanted Midnight out of pain. M'gann immediately dropped the link. Midnight relaxed and started sinking, Kaldur held her for a minute until she came back.

"Never, ever go into my head again." It was barely a whisper but she heard it, Midnight didn't like anyone in her head.

"But, we always use the link, the coms can be hacked and someone can hear us." She didn't like not having the link to help them. They ALWAYS use the like. Miss Martian links the team without Midnight and says 'I wonder what happened to her that she doesn't like this.'

Superboy 'You did try to erase my memory and destroyed Kaldur's mind once. She won't be helpful to us.'

Tigress 'That helped SOOOO much Conner, so very much.'

Zatanna "I'll go talk to her,' The whole team swims forward with Zatanna propelling herself to Midnight. "So... are you OK? I know when she links us up we can feel it but it never hurts, " she waited for her to respond but had to continue instead, "What happened to you that... that happens?"

Midnight stopped and turned to look at Zatanna, "I was experimented on." Her voice had the same rough scratchy sound that Batman's had. "They went into my head to see what makes me tick the way I do. My brain is half the size of any other person's on the planet. A part that was destroyed was where I can accept or deny mental intrusion." She looked directly into Zatanna's eyes while her own were slits, "NO ONE goes into my head, ever for any reason, even if it means I will die if they don't 'help.' No one goes into my head." She repeated herself only to scare Zatanna and it worked.

"I could help that, I have a spell to fix broken or missing body parts." She had only used it once when her arm was nearly torn completely off. "I think it would work for the brain." She wanted to help and if it meant the new member would be nicer and more helpful she was willing to do it.

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