A brunette walked into the room, a lit cigarette hanging from his lips. He wore a pair of orange goggles over his eyes, a black and red stripe shirt, blue jeans, a white vest, black boots and gloves. "Mello, Near called his team is on the way, they shouldn't be more then five minutes. They'll help us get her back to headquarters."  The brunette said without looking up from his game.

So the blond's code name is Mello that's good to know. "Hey is that my DS?" Koneko asked. "Yeah my batteries died and I saw this just sitting on the ta.... *looks up, eyes widen*  Well now those are lovely." Mello chuckled at his friend. "You should come sit over here. The view is amazing" Matt nodded his head and joined his friend. "Wow you're right it is amazing."


"This is Matt. Yes we got her. She's cuffed. Yes Mello checked her for weapons"

"I know a few places he didn't check" grins cheekily with her eyes closed.

"Is that an invitation?" Mello said while helping the girl up, his tone promising pleasures untold. *opens her eyes slowly*  "No it's a challenge" she purred out in a seductive tone. Mello bit the inside of his cheek and handed the girl over to Matt before walking ahead of the two. "Leather looks good on you. Such a nice ass. I wouldn't mind touching it"

Mello stopped and looked at the female from over his shoulder. "It's a good thing your hands are behind you then, now isn't it. Or I'd be in some type of trouble" This woman is a temptress. If things were different I'd take her up on her hidden offers. However being whom she is, I can't lay a finger on her in that way, not yet anyways.

"Oh? You think so?" *whispers to Matt*  "Hey give me a sec here. I promise not to run. I just wanna have a bit of fun with the blond. He's been teasing me all morning" 

*whispers to Koneko*  "I'm not removing the cuffs, but I'll give you a bit of space" he steps back and gives the girl some space. Not enough for her to try and run pass but enough for her to sit back down. What is she up to? It's not like she can get his gun or anything. If she does anything risky I'll take her down myself this time. Can't let Mello keep feeling her up and saying he's searching her.

"That's good enough" with a smile she sat back down and slowly started to work her arms. Slipping them under her butt she popped one shoulder then the other out of place. It hurt for a moment but this let her slip her arms onto the front of her. Matt watched impressd as he figured out what she was going to do. Re-popping her shoulders the girl rolled over, got on her hands and knees and slowly got back up. 

Just in time for the blond to turn around and yell at them. "Come on we don't have all day." It was a good thing he didn't notice her hands were in front of her now. The next thing Mello knew his butt was being groped. "WHAT THE FUCK MATT!" yelled the angry blond. "Hey it wasn't me!" stated the brunette while laughing. The lighter blue eyed male looked over at the female whom was staring at him with a devilish glee. Slowly she lifted up her hands. "Like I said, such a nice ass"

Mello just stared in disbelief while Matt laughed his head off. "You're walking a head of her Matt"

"What why me? Don't like having your ass grabbed? It's funny you don't like it but you were groping her happily not to long ago" Takes a long drag from his cigarette.

"Sure he does. From what I can see he liked it A LOT" her voice was low and dangerously sweet. Mello blushed deeply as he didn't notice that his bulge had shown itself. The dark blue eyed brunette chuckled to himself as he started to lead the small group out of the bakery into a car that was waiting for them. Koneko could feel Mello's bulge on her rear due to how close he was to her. This made the girl chuckle as they entered the car.

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