Chapter 19

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"Fancy." Louis commented.

Harry laughed, "I know. It's beautiful, isn't it?"

"Course." Louis agreed, "You're more beautiful though." Harry laughed at Louis' comment. It was just so cliché that it was ridiculous. 

A waiter came and asked what they needed. "I made a reservation for Stylinson." Harry said. The waiter nodded and led them to a booth at a huge window. There were flowers and candles on the white table cloth and the lights were illuminated and plants gave them the feeling of being secluded from the other people.

"Stylinson, really?" Louis asked as they followed the waiter.

Harry shrugged, "Why not?" They sat down in their booth opposite of each other.

The girls from dance class made up the name "Stylinson" after they had a discussion about who would take whose last name since neither Louis nor Harry seemed to be entirely "the man" in the relationship. So they just connected their last names. Though Louis and Harry agreed in a post sex conversation that Harry would take Louis' last name since Harry Tomlinson sounded better than Louis Styles. And Louis always insisted to be more "the man" in the relationship because while he was a bit shorter and sometimes had moments where he craved Harry's comfort Harry was generally more submissive and Louis was more strong (physically) and protective of the younger boy.

"When we do that on our three month anniversary, what are we gonna do at our one year anniversary?" Louis commented, already having decided on a meal and beverage and looking around the restaurant.

Harry laughed, "Dunno. How about coming back here? We could do it on all our year anniversaries."

Louis nodded, "Yeah, okay. We can make this a tradition. Just one condition." Harry laid his menu down, having decided, and looked at Louis to go on. Louis pushed himself out of the booth and sat on Harry's side. He leaned close and whispered into Harry's ear, "I always get to fuck you after."

Harry's cheeks heated up and he looked down onto his lap. Harry wasn't always shy when it came to that topic, he could be really, really not shy in the bedroom but in public... Louis watched him fondly, "I wasn't kidding, you know." Harry looked at him confused, so Louis continued, "You're really more beautiful than the restaurant. Or anything else for that matter."

Harry blushed harder and hid his face in Louis' neck. "You're exaggerating." He mumbled.

"I'm really not." Louis whispered into Harry's hair. Before Harry could answer Louis saw the waiter coming, "Let's order." Louis patted his boyfriend's back so he let him go and former could return to his side of the booth.

Louis was in the middle of telling Harry about the time he lost his money for lunch in school when he spotted a familiar face two booths away from them. Well, actually, it wasn't the face he saw since he sat with his back to him but when Louis squinted his eyes he was almost sure...-

"Lou?" Louis looked at his boyfriend, not even sure when exactly he stopped speaking. Then he looked back.

"Haz, look over there." Harry turned around and looked to where Louis was so focused on.

Harry squinted his eyes too to be sure, "Lou, do you think this is-..."

"Yeah. And this girl must be his girlfriend."

Harry nodded. "Danielle."

Louis looked at Harry, a reckless glint in his eyes. Harry got scared and excited at the same time when Louis got like this. He was definetely up to something. "Do you remember what we taked about last week?" Louis asked him.

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