Chapter 13

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When Harry stepped into the dressing room for the next lesson Liam was the only one there. It wasn't necessarily surprising considering he came earlier in exitement to see Louis again. He mumbled a greeting to Liam and began changing.

Halfway through, the door opened and Harry perked up. To his disappointment it was just Niall who came in, being his usual loud self and starting a conversation. Zayn came in soon after.

Harry felt like a dog waiting for his owner, fawning his tail, but he couldn't help it.

Once Louis finally came everyone was already changed and ready to go into the dance hall. He gave Harry just a curt nod and a small smile before he began to change, saying, "Hey guys!" Harry assured himself that Louis just didn't aknowledge him much because he was in a hurry.

Louis was fast and Liam said, "Great, let's go!"

 Harry put a hand on Louis' shoulder to get his attention, "Lou-".

But he shrugged Harrys' hand off and went over to Niall. "Hey, how's it going?"

Now Harry was confused. Everything had been fine yesterday when they talked and texted. They hadn't seen each other since the date, the day after they didn't even text. Like they had observed yesterday, they both thought it would come off too clingy and waited for each other to contact the other first. They had laughed about it together on the phone. But now Louis seemed to avoid any interaction with him. Harry decided to ask Louis about it in the break.

The whole time Harry wasn't very concentrated. He sneaked glances at Louis, trying to figure out what he was up to. He seemed to act normal except that he just wouldn't make any kind of contact with Harry.

"Harry, would you please pay attention to your partner?" His eyes snapped to Amy who tried to look strict but everyone could see the amused twinkle in her eyes.

"Sorry." Harry mumbled.

"Alright, one more time, then five minutes break." She clapped her hands and they continued. By the time they actually got the break they had done it three more times.

Harry saw Louis still talking to Avril, trying some move and then laugh when it didn't go as planned. He made his way over to them but as soon as Louis saw Harry his eyes widened and he hurried to Eleanor. Harry frowned as he saw her hugging him and then beginning to talk. Louis didn't look back at him.

Harry contemplated if he should go after him or if he would just annoy Louis further. If that was the reason Louis avoided him. But what if Louis realized that he wasn't gay after all and wanted to be with Eleanor rather than with him?


He swallowed the lump in his throat and turned to Jesy. "Yeah?" He hoped his voice didn't sound as shook up as he felt.

Jesy didn't seem to notice and blushed, "Err... What are you up to after this? Because Eleanor told me there was a really good diner around the corner but she couldn't go there with me and so, like... would you like to come with me?" She asked fastly like she was afraid of rejection, which she probably was.

The thing is, Harry really should reject her offer because it was like this sort- of- date Louis and Eleanor had a while ago. Harry had thought nothing came out of it and Louis said so too when they went to the date and kissed and snogged and talked...

Harry didn't know what happened but the way Louis avoided him for all it costs made it seem like he regretted it and it hurt. So he needed distraction and if Louis had done it, why couldn't he? It wouldn't hurt anyone and it was always good to make a new friend. So he turned to Jesy and smiled, "Okay, sure."

Jesy let out a sigh of relief. He probably waited far too long to answer. "Great, I'll meet you at the front door after."

Amy clapped her hands and Ed told them to get back to their spots. Harry looked over to Eleanor and Louis, the former rolled her eyes at something the latter said. Then she walked over to Harry. He did his best not to glare at her. And either he did a really good job or she just didn't care.

After the lesson Harry contemplated if he should try to talk to Louis again but the boy had a very animated conversation with Liam and ignored Harry so he just decided to get out of here.

He didn't know how much longer he could take the heartbreak. And yes, that sounded dramatic and whipped. But that was just it. He wanted Louis since the second he saw him and those feelings just increased the more he got to know him. And he thought he finally had the boy of his dreams but it all crashed down today and it fucking hurt.

"Ay, Harry. Why are you in such a hurry?" Niall asked as Harry shouldered his bag.

"I'm going to eat with Jesy." He answered making his way to the door but he didn't get there.

Louis grabbed his wrist, holding him back. "What? With Jesy? No! Why-..."

"Oh, now you're finally noting my existence." Harry snapped. Everyone was taken aback by his tone since he was always quiet and polite, but he didn't care.

"Haz- Harry, it isn't like that." Louis' voice was small and insecure which both confused and irritated the curly haired boy.

"Then how is it?" His voice still wasn't friendly because he was still upset.

"It- I...I-..." Louis stuttered and looked around the room towards the others. They were watching the exchange in several states of confusion and curiousity.

When Louis didn't continue his explanation Harry snapped, "Whatever." and made his way out of the room.

"Fine, go on your date with Jesy. I don't care." Louis turned around and acted like it didn't bother him.

Harry was bitter and so was his tone when he said, "You're an idiot, Louis." And with that he left the room.

Louis just shook his head as the others questioned him about the argument and held back his tears. He had never seen Harry this angry and upset and it was his fault. Harry was right. He was an idiot.


Jesy seemed more confident with with interacting with Harry since he agreed to the eating together. She talked to him like a good friend about college, friends, family and hobbies. Harry found himself sharing a bit about himself too. The food wasn't bad either and summed up it was a rather nice evening if Harry wouldn't always have Louis on his mind.

Furthermore he was aware of the fact that wasn't only a friendly dinner to Jesy and it made him a bit uncomfortable but he chose to ignore that.

When Harry sank into his bed that night he decided to call Louis the next day. If the blue eyed boy didn't want him anymore Harry wanted to know it sooner rather than later. It will hurt less and Harry won't have to think about what happened the whole time.

A tear slipped down his cheek as he realized that he might have already lost Louis.               

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