Chapter 18

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Louis: Hey love. You coming today?

Harry: To dance class?

Louis: Yes:)

Harry: Of course, why not?

Louis: Can you come earlier?

Harry: Okay, when? And why?

Louis: Idk, 15 minutes, I wanna see you

Harry: Awww, Okay I'll be there<3

He was twenty minutes earlier, not that Louis was complaining since he was already there too. "Hey babe." Louis pecked Harry's lips.

"Hi." Harry grinned dazedly, throwing his bag onto the bench. He watched as Louis pulled clothes from his own bag, still dropey grin on his face. He probably looked like an idiot but judging by the amused smirk Louis sent him his boyfriend didn't seem to mind much.

"Don't you want to change?"

Harry blinked a few times to clear his mind. "Yeah, sure." He mumbled blushing, taking off his shirt. Bending to his bag to take out his dance clothes he felt something trace down his spine. He shivered and turned around to see Louis standing there with a mischievous smirk on his face, "Lou?" Harry watched as his boyfriend pulled him closer by his exposed waist. "What are you doing?"

Louis looked up into Harry's eyes, stroking his hands up and down his sides causing goosebumps to rise. Louis' eyes were slightly darker than  usual and Harry couldn't hold back any longer as he looped his arm around Louis' neck and tilted his head with his hand on his boyfriend's jaw to kiss him. It wasn't innocent at all with Louis' hands roaming his upper body. Louis also had the upper hand right now, opening Harry's mouth forcefully with his jaw and entering his tounge. Harry moaned at the sensations and dominance.

Louis pushed him against the wall with force, causing the younger to shiver in surprise, the wall cold against his back. He tugged on Louis' shirt and he got rid of it in less than three seconds. Louis moaned at the skin contact and their hands were now all over each other. Louis went from the younger boy's lips to nibbling at his jaw, then wandered down further, latching on his pulse point. When he was sure a bruise would bloom went further down his neck. Harry tilted his head to give Louis more access, whimpering whenever Louis found a good spot. Once Louis had Harry's whole neck scattered with love bites, Harry making one on Louis too, they found each others lips again. Louis bit Harry's lip, making him weak in is knees.

And that's what Niall and Zayn walked into, Louis and Harry making out heatedly against the wall, shirtless. "Oh guys, no, my poor eyes!" Niall fake cried. Zayn hummed in agreement.

Louis made no attempt to move away but he turned his head to face them, "You're just jealous."

"I have a girlfriend." Niall protested, him and Zayn walking to a bench to start changing.

"Me too." Zayn agreed.

"Yeah," Louis said, moving his hand up and down Harry's side softly, "But you can't make out with them in the dressing room."

"I could," Niall crossed his arms, "She's right next door."

"Yeah, but she has to be in the girls dressing room." Harry shot back this time.

Niall rolled his eyes just as Liam walked in. He looked at the couple still wrapped up in each other and saw Niall's eye rolling, "What's going on here?"

"They think we're jealous because they just almost fucked." Niall explained, digging through his bag.

Liam made a face of disgust but said confusedly, "I'm not. I have a girlfriend."           

"That's what we said." Niall said turning around and facing Liam, "But you might have a reason to be jealous of them." At Liam confused expression he answered, "They're happy together and don't secretly want to be with someone else."

Liam glared at him, "Not the case with me either." But the blush and the way his voice wavered gave him away. It wasn't a secret either. Everyone could see the way Sophia and Liam looked at each other but no one ever said anything about it. A heavy silence filled the room as they changed, only interrupted by Louis and Harry's whispers and occasional giggles.


"Why are you so grumpy?" Sophia asked as the boys as they sat down in the greeting circle. They didn't always do that, only when Amy and Ed wanted to announce or explain something, which apparently was the case today.

"We're not grumpy." Louis said and Harry giggled.

"Of course you're not." Zayn rolled his eyes at the two love sick idiots.

"We walked in on then snogging shirtless." Niall explained instead of telling the real reason of their grumpy mood, which was the heavy silence in the room. It somehow lowered their happy spirits or whatever.

"Oh my gosh." Eleanor squealed, "That's cute."

"Cute? What the fuck! It's disgusting." Zayn said.

"I think it's kind of hot." Perrie said. Seeing Zayn's disturbed look she continued, "Come on. They're both attractive lads and don't pretend you don't watch lesbian porn. It's the same thing." Her boyfriend rolled his eyes but understood her reasoning.

"So. I have a really important question for you two." Avril said, looking at Harry and Louis. "Who tops?"

"Avril!" Niall shriked (manly, of course). The girls all nodded in approval of Avril's question and looked at the couple to answer the question while the other boys groaned. Ed looked equally disturbed but he also looked amused. Amy giggled into her hand silently.

Harry blushed and hid his face in Louis' shoulder and mumbled, "None of your business."

Before the girls could demand more information Louis answered, "I think we kind share that, really."

"Louis." Harry squealed.

"What?" Louis asked and wrapped his arms around his boy. "We do both top ocasionally, don't we?"

"Louis." Harry whined in embarrassment, "You're not supposed to tell them."

"What?" Louis acted clueless, "Was I supposed to lie to them?"

"Louis." Harry whined into Louis' shoulder, not able to look at the others.

"Yeah, yeah. I'm just teasing, baby. I'm sorry." Louis let himself and Harry fall backwards so they laid on the ground cuddled up together and the older boy kissed his boyfriend's forehead affectionally.

"They're so cute. I'm gonna get diabetes." Eleanor commented.

"You can't get diabetes from cute things. Just sweet ones." Sophia said, just to annoy her sister.

"Shut up."

"Okay," Ed chimed in, "How about we start?"

"Yeah, "Amy agreed, "Let's dance."    

Let's Dance, Larry StylinsonWhere stories live. Discover now