Chapter 10

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The whole week Louis and Harry didn't see each other. They texted a lot like usual, but every time Harry suggested something to do together Louis would caim he was busy. Well, he didn't exactly say he was busy. More like making excuses and Harry was starting to think that the other boy avoided him. It wasn't normal for them anymore to see each other only in dance class once a week.

Harry had the suspicion that it had something to do with Eleanor and it made him feel uneasy. So when he went to dance class the next week he was nervous.

What if Louis would ignore him? What if Eleanor was his girlfriend now? What if it was Harry who had done something wrong? What if he came in to see Louis and Eleanor kissing? He cringed at the prospect.

Luke said he was just overthinking everything. And maybe he was right, Harry tried to assure himself.

Due to his nervousness he unintentionally came earlier than normal. But to his surprise Louis was already there, too. When Harry stepped into the dressing room he looked up and smiled.

"Harry!"  He waited until mentioned boy had thrown his bag on the bench before he slung his arm around Harrys' shoulders and pulled him into a hug. Harry was surprised. It wasn't uncommon for them to touch but it was always more platonic and not that purposeful- not that Harry was complaining. So he wrapped his arms around Louis and enjoyed their short lived hug.

"So how was your week?" Louis asked when they pulled away.

"Good, great. It was good." Harry said a little too fast.

Louis noticed and was confused, "Is everything okay?"

"Yeah, of course." Harry said after a short hesistation.

But Louis noticed again. Harry was an awful liar. He turned to Harry completely and put a hand on the tall boys' cheek.

"What is it, Harry?" Louis whispered, looking into his eyes.

Harry had a hard time breathing because Louis was so close and he looked so sincere. "You know you can tell me anything."

Harry took a deep breath to keep himself on  the ground. "I just...-" He hesistated but Louis' expression told him to go on. "Were you avoiding me?" His voice was small and the guilty look that flashed through Louis' eyes told him that his apprehension was right.

But Louis stepped even closer, hand still resting on Harrys' cheek. "Hazza, no, it wasn't like that. "

"Hazza?" Harry asked, still whispering, because he didn't want this to end, what ever this was. It was like a bubble they build themselves where nobody could enter. But a small wrong move could make it burst.

Louis smiled and leaned up a little to bring their faces closer. On instinct Harry leaned down a bit. He could have sworn he saw Louis' eyes look down to his lips. Though he didn't dare to close his eyes yet, his whole body felt like it was on fire in anticipation. He could feel Louis' body heat due to his closure and it was hard to breath. Louis' eyes slipped close and he was about to lean in the last bit, Harry following-...

-when they heard the door knob jiggle breaking the breathtaking silence and the door opened. Louis hastily stumbled backwards and landed on his bum. "Ow!" he let out.

Harrys' eyes were opened wide while trying to process what on earth just happened.

Niall laughed at Louis who glared back, but he looked like an angry kitten from where he sat on the floor. Liam, who came up behind Niall, asked, "What happened here?"

Louis stood up and muttered, "None of your business." Then he turned to Harry and asked, "Are you ready?", like nothing happened.

"No." He answered, "I didn't even start."

Let's Dance, Larry StylinsonWhere stories live. Discover now