Chapter 7

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On his way home Harry's phone made noises that notify that he got messages. He pulled it out and and saw that the messages came from a new group chat called  "Dance class". He opened the chat and read.  

10945634 added You to the Chat

10945634: Hey:)

08427489: Hi<3

58939586: Hello!

04958884: Hey<3

98576643: Hi;)

Louis: What a creative group name

79385589: How are you guys?

58939586: I'M GREAT!

Me: Can you write your names for me to save?

Louis: Of Course, Curly, I'm your best friend Louis.

Harry laughed and blushed a bit at the nickname. Not stopping to smile he typed out: I already knew that<3

Louis: Oh, good<3

58939586: I'M NIALL!

10945634: I'm Avril:)

04958884: I'm Jesy;)

The chat continued with everyone telling their names and boring statements like 'how are you','I'm good, you?','What are you doing?' and so on. Harry saved everybody with their names. The dancing lessons went from 7 o'clock to 8 o'clock so he had done his homework already before that and now he had  freetime. Once he settled infront of the TV with warmed up Spagetti from lunch he got a message from Louis in a private chat. He quickly opened it.

Louis: Hey, I finally have your number;)    

Me: Haha, yeah, what are you doing rn?

Louis: Texting you, obviously

Me: Haha, yeah, I mean besides that

Louis: Sitting infront of the telly, Navy CIS ;)

Me: Really? Me too:)

Louis: We're soulmates<3

Eventhough Harry knew it was a joke he couldn't keep the wide smile from his face along with the butterflies in his stomach. Both stayed the whole time texting Louis. He had a crush, okay?

They didn't stop talking through Harry's evening routine until he was in bed. He learned that Louis lived with his best friend called Calum with whom he went to college. But Calum studied music while Louis studied drama. They met through the football team in which they both played in. Calum was the team captain and Louis insisted it wasn't because he was better than himself. Harry told Louis about Luke being his best friend and them going to the same class, that they were in the same school year and planning on going to the same college as Louis does. They talked about little things they liked like Louis' love for Yorkshire tea and Zebras and Harry's love for cooking or that he always sang whey he was at home.

Louis: Let's meet up

Me: Like hang out?

Louis: Yes, if you want of course

Me: Yes. sure  (He'd love to, really)

Louis: Great, when are you free?

They agreed to meet up two days later at Louis' flat and with that they said good night. Both fell asleep with a smile on their faces.


When Harry rang at Louis' door bell two days later he heard loud screaming and footsteps as loud as a herd of elefants.

Let's Dance, Larry StylinsonWhere stories live. Discover now