Chapter 9

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It was about three weeks and four dates later that Niall and Avril stepped into the dance hall after everyone else and Niall shouted, "Ladys and gentlemen," to get everyone's attention. When he was sure he had it he continued proudly, "Let me introduce you my girlfriend." He slung an arm around Avril's waist and pulled her closer.

She blushed as everyone cheered  and ran over to them for a group hug. Well- everyone but Zayn because he was to cool for group hugs. Perrie grabbed his arm and pulled him into the together huddled group.

"I'm getting hot." Niall complained from somewhere inside the huddle.

"I'm quite comfortable." Harry whispered and unknowingly sending shivers down Louis' spine. Louis wasn't sure if anyone was supposed to hear that but Harry's face was buried in his hair and the younger boys' curls were tickeling Louis' neck and his body was pressed to the shorter boys' back. He had to admit that he was quite comfortable with that too. 

And then it was gone. Louis kind of missed it.

He shrugged his shoulders, shaking his head to clear it and followed the others who stood infront of the mirror wall for the warm ups.


"Sorry." Harry muttered as his knee hit Eleanors' leg.

"It's okay." She smiled. Harry hated how she was always so nice. Why couldn't she be a bitch so Louis has a reason to not like her?

"Harry, Eleanor, please do that again, try to move more together. Harry, you lead." Amy said. They tried again with all eyes on them. Harry wasn't really comfortable with that but it made him concentrate more. "Okay, that's it, good. One last time everyone?" Amy praised.

After Ed and Amy dismissed them Louis came over to Harry and Eleanor. "Harry, let's go-"

"Err, Louis?" Eleanor interrupted.

He turned to her, "Yes?"

"What are your plans for after?" She asked.

"You mean now?" Eleanor gave him a small nod. "Nothing, really. I thought I'd just go home and watch a movie or something... why?"

"Do you want to come with me to check the new restaurant out?" Eleanor asked but then saw the puzzled look on Louis' face since he didn't know anything about a new restaurant. So she continued, "There's a small chinese restaurant called 'soups and noodles'. About six blocks away."

Louis nodded slowly, "Sure, why not?"

Eleanor grinned, "Great, I'll meet you at the entrance when we're dressed." Then she skipped off.

Louis noticed that her behavior was strange somehow but he just shrugged it off. He grabbed Harry's arm and pulled him to the dressing room. The younger boy was upset that Louis agreed to the date with Eleanor. It was obviously a date even though noone had said that.

It was just when Louis exchanged his shirt he looked at Harry. "What's wrong, Harry?" He asked because apparently it showed on his face that Harry wasn't happy. He didn't even notice it himself.

So he forced a smile but didn't look at the inquireing boy. Instead he pretended to search for something inside of his bag. "Nothing, everything's fine." He said.

Now Louis was even more confused because not only Eleanor was acting strange but Harry was too. "Are you sure?" He asked.

"Of course, why not?" Harry asked back.

Louis hesistated a second but just went with the truth, "I don't know, you seem upset."

"Well, I'm not," Harry answered, "I'm okay."

Let's Dance, Larry StylinsonWhere stories live. Discover now