I flinched. But the bullet never reached me. I opened my eyes to see a butler all dressed in black, and a young richly-dressed noble.

The butler smiled at me. "So sorry, but I find it very ill-mannered to point a gun at such a lovely young lady. Wouldn't you agree?" He said to the man hired to kill me.

I fell to the ground as the man let me go. The boy helped me up and I began to blush. "Are you alright?" He asked. I nodded.

"What's your name?"

"U-um, (full name)."

"Well, miss ______, I am Ciel Earl Phantomhive. Where are your parents?"

I gulped. "Um, I have a father but I don't know where my mother is."

"Well, should we take you home?"

I wanted to say no, but I didn't have anywhere else to go, and I didn't want to burden Ciel with my issues because we just met.

"Can I come with you?" I asked.

"I beg your pardon?"

"I could help! I know how to clean and cook and garden, I could do everything, you wouldn't have to worry about me. Just don't make me go back to the man who wants me dead. I have nowhere else to go. Please, sir? Please let me come with you. This can be my repayment for you saving my life."

I didn't know what I was doing. I was also scared of what he'd say.

He looked at me. "Alright, you can help my servants do their job before they get hurt or even worse, killed by Sebastian."

I smiled. "Thank you."

Ever since then, you promised Ciel you'd do anything to make him happy, at any cost.

"Master Ciel," You began, closing your book, "are you happy?"

Ciel shrugged. He wasn't really listening. You needed to take drastic actions before it was too late.

You needed to district him from all of his problems. It was your sworn duty as a Phantomhive maid.

You decided to play a game with a high wager. "Let's play a game, Master."

Ciel looked up from his work. "What kind of game, _____?"

"Any game you want. If I win, you'll have to do something for me. If you win, same thing. So how about it, Master?" You asked. Ciel seemed intrigued.


Meanwhile, Author-chan is sitting in a tree, watching you with her binoculars. "Yes! I've officially broken the fourth wall! Now, all I need is some glue." She clarified.

"I say we play a game of chess." Ciel said. "Very well, Master." You said.

You took out the chessboard. "Let's play."

Yes! I broke it! I broke it! I broke the fourth wall!!!! Ahem, we shall see who wins. But of course, it's hard to decide who's the dominant and who's the submissive in this relationship. You are kinda powerful, but what if Ciel showed you a side no one else knew about? Argh! So many ideas, nothing to do with them!!!! Story of my stupid pathetic life. Yeah, me lifu sucks.

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