18 | From Me

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note : this chapter is before the introduction, bed of lies. It isn't necessarily a chapter but a flashback just to give you guys some sort of insight into who Mercedes was as a person since this story basically starts off with her dead already. this was all in good fun and I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, let me know if you enjoyed it and I might make more like this, happy reading! 💕

Dear Claudia,

You warned me about the twisted hole that was Lancaster Prep, how it would be so easy to get sucked in but almost impossible to get out. I didn't believe you then but now I wish I did. There has been countless amount of times where I knew that I was walking into hell, I just relied on the fact that you would always put out the fire for me. You said it was the fundamental principle of our partnership.

"Blood Sisters" remember?

Who knew that we would both end up with blood on hands and secrets kept within us. We knew secrets that broke relationships, secrets that broke families, secrets that broke people. I thought I was cut out for this life of constant blood, battle and betrayal but I wasn't. You were always tougher than me anyway.

Please don't blame yourself, there was no way you could've saved me. I'm not even sure I could have saved myself. L.A didn't just become my lifestyle, I became L.A.

The good, the bad, the ugly.

I was all of it and as much as I'd like to be my usual confident self. It became a facade, an acting gig that no one was paying me for. I thought I was protecting myself from you, from Tate, from my parents and anyone that ever truly gave a damn about me.

When truly I was protecting you guys from me. I'm a monster, I'm capable of nasty and twisted things. And it was only a matter of time until I drowned in my own karma, everyone else waving as I sunk to a mysterious death.

We both knew that it would end up in either jail or death and you were going to protect me no matter what. I know you still are, you always were a sweetie at heart.

Don't follow in my footsteps though. As scary as it can be, let Asher see you. Let him love you because I think love is just about the only thing that could potentially save you from the mess I left you in. It's okay to be loved, I mean someone has to mend your broken heart right?

That is something you can't just do alone.

And besides if you don't keep tabs on Asher, that sneaky skank Giselle will grab him from you in no time. I never trusted that bitch, she can't even be faithful to a single hair colour what makes you think she can stay loyal to us?

But that was a decision you made once you took my spotlight at school, and I'll respect that. Yes, I still keep an eye on you all even if I'm not there. I can't have Tate and his wondering eyes forget me, can I?

How is he anyway? Does he still talk about me with a single sparkle in his eye or did I ruin him perfectly to the point where they refuse to twinkle at my name?

I loved him, I really did. But he's just as guilty as the rest of us – maybe even more. You know that I can't stand someone delirious.

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