16 | Lovesick

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"Happy Valentine's Day Claudia,"

Claudia's personal chauffeur, that she was still struggling to remember the name of, greeted her with a grin from ear to ear as she strutted down the steps of the front entrance, her focus kept on the current Lancaster Prep Gossip Site. "Where am I driving you today?"

"Rodeo Drive." She responded as she got into her seat, the frustration from whatever was occurring on her screen being evident.

Part of Lancaster tradition was that there would constantly be an E-List trying to get noticed by placing a gossip site filled with either false information or scandalous facts – both turning the school halls upside down and Claudia adored every tear the miserable girls would shed usually accompanied by a random guy's "mistake."

They never dared to utter a word of gossip that involved A-Lists but this page was completely different.

This page was entirely focused on Lancaster's most-feared. Their pasts, their predicted futures and the messes they made in between were all typed with cryptic and condescending tweets that were clear cut threats that only they could understand.

It was only a matter of time until the victims of the tweets would commence their wailing and panic attacks, attempting to reach her and hear some harsh veracity and concise schemes.

"Everything alright there, Claudia?" The chauffeur asked, his concern written all over his face as he watched her from the rear view mirror for what appeared to be a while.

"Lancaster troubles, they should start paying me for the amount of problems that I solve in that facility."

He laughed, usually the jokes and conversations with her previous drivers felt forced and insincere but this time it was genuine and Claudia enjoyed that feeling of warmth.

Claudia made it known that she was not a being filled with flaws, of course she had complications within herself that she was still struggling to grapple, but one thing that she was highly proud of was her talent of sensing sales from her favourite boutiques.

"Stop!" She yelled, her eyes focused on a Chanel Store with a petite sale advert placed on one of the glossy windows.

"I'm honestly the Fashion Jesus, saving everyone from fashion faux-pas." She told Portia last month when she was able to snag an original Balmain summer dress fresh of the runway before Heidi Klum herself could get her hands on it.

"I think I'll head into the store quickly, you just wait here." She ordered before battling her seatbelt off and forcefully opening the car door.

"A quick Valentine's Day purchase?" Her chauffeur asked with a low chuckle as she exited the car.

"Ew no," She retorted. "Valentine's Day is a scam created for useless and clueless partners that overrate love even though they do not understand it, I just adore the sales."

"Alright, Ice Queen. I'll be waiting here." He nodded, it being clear that he did not believe one word she just said.

Usually Claudia was highly familiar of her surroundings, even if her eyes were usually fixated on a screen, but she didn't see the figure in front of her until it was too late. She walked into a human wall, her self-defence classes she had as a child kicking in and saving herself from further embarrassment.

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