My Fetish

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Me reading a book

Fetish me running

Me still reading a book

Fetish me running

Still reading the book

Fetish me running

Reading a book and sipping some french vanilla coffee.

Fetish me opens the door. "GARNET!!!!!"

Looks up, puts down the coffee, and closes the book. Turns to Fetish Me. "What is it?"

"Look at the calendar!"

Looks at the calendar. Looks closely. Sees International Fetish Day. Turns to Fetish Me.

Fetish me smiles and nodds.

Looks at two portraits of Wyoming and Doyle. (Epic Music in the background) Has a serious glare. "It's time."


Okay, whatever the fuck that was. Anyway, moving on to the more important news.

Yes, today is International Fetish Day. For thise who don't know, look it up it's what the name is. But I have two fetishes: BDSM and British guys.

Now, those turn me on. So of course Wyoming and Doyle will be the stories I write so get ready fangirls.

Cus I'm not holding back! Two days left until your guy's chance of requesting.

So leave a star and I'll write you next time. :3

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