It Raines Pt. 2

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She's never gonna get better. I blew the smoke out of my nostrils. I heard her leave. She's not as slick as she thought she was. I know she heard me calling her name too. I picked up a phone call from someone I thought would never wanna speak to me ever again.

"Wus poppin', Brodie?" I heard this fool chuckle through the phone.

I leaned on the balcony after checking to see if my daughters were asleep still, "Shit. Did all of that shit get handled?"

He chuckled, "You know it did, man. Don't underestimate Randall's kids. They still gutta. You know she still with the girls though, right? She gon whoop yo monkey ass."

"Maaan, Pat. This is why we haven't talked in so long. You say that like she be abusin' a nigga."

"She do, bruh." I heard G yell in the background, "Don't lie. Relle tell me everything."

"Make my ass itch, yo," I grumbled.

"Scratch that hoe then, Booty Itch!" They both busted out laughing. They still act as foolish as the day we met. Those forever my niggas at the end of the day.

I still can't really forgive myself for what I had done in the past. I did wanna make up for it though. I talked Roman and Alena into coming to Manila for a vacation before they went back on the run. The dumbasses bought it. What they didn't know was not only was I here for pleasure, but I was setting their asses up to be played just how they played everyone else in the past. I had a hand in that. I was "keeping up with books" with Ro's side making sure our cuts were a lil extra chunkier than everyone else's piece. I felt bad about what I was doing, so I ended up cutting all ties with D, Rico, G, Kai, and Pat. I even stopped talking to my brother for a while. I fell for the same shit he did. That made me Ghost and I ain't like that shit at all. I know since Raine goin be the one to divide all the money, she gon see that I got about a good 3 billion in my account. According to her about a week ago, we were just hitting our 5 million mark. She was hella proud she had done it the legal way. Half that 5 million shit is illegal as fuck.

"Yo, can you come get my girls, G?" I asked. "Ion want them to be around when they mama get home and go ham on my ass."

The line got silent. "G, you hear me?"

The phone got picked back up and Pat sighed, "You still on the shits. I called you and you leavin' messages for Garland. Imma send Honey out there to get my nieces. They need to meet they cousin any way."

"Bet," I nodded and hung up the phone.


I spent the better time of the rest of the night eating snacks with the girls and getting all of our money in order. I was officially the cleaner again. We found out that there was more money for us to split up than we thought. Instead of the 7.4 billion, there was 12.8 billion. We figured the rest was personally Ro's, so we cleaned all of that shit out.

While I was looking into the transfers being made to Ro's account, I had noticed a name that I had not heard from in several years. B. Gilliam-Lawrence. Miss Bernie? She was in this too? Tuh, I should've suspected as much. Wait until I drop my son and that heaux will definitely be next on my hit list.

I made it back to the villa before anyone could wake up and checked out going into autopilot for a while. I had to think how my next move was going to turn out since I am married to this man and I do have now three children by him.

"Breakfast. I should make breakfast," I snapped myself back to reality and headed for the kitchen. I stopped dead in my tracks once I saw Jay standing at the dining room table looking all mad and daddyish.

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