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I groaned lightly and rolled onto my back. The familiar weight of an arm resting over my stomach. I groaned again. The usual questions flooding my head. What the fuck was I drinking last night? What had happened? How did I get back here? Why the hell does it feel like my feet are covered in bruises? And why does my mouth taste like this?

But those questions quickly disappeared when a pair of the softest lips were pressed against my shoulder and the arm draped over my stomach tightened its hold. "Go back to sleep baby."

I smiled to myself at the sleep-ridden voice and snuggled back into the embrace. Who cares what I was drinking? Or what had happened or how we got home or which club we went to? I don't have to get up and struggle to find a name for the person beside me. I don't have to scour the room for my underwear or the rest of my belongings. I don't even have to leave. 

And I definitely don't plan on getting up and getting dressed right now, let alone leaving.

Nope, I am totally content on laying here naked, with my girlfriend's naked body pressed against mine. Beyond content. Happier than happy.

Lauren  let out a cute little whimper and squeezed my hips as she dozed back off to sleep. I peeked at her out of the corner of my eye and a few memories from last night started to come back to me. The two of us surrounded by a group of our friends, Jay and the boys, Normani and Dinah, all out celebrating the end of exams and the start of the summer. There'd been plenty of shots and crazy dancing and then more shots.

Well, at least I have some memories. That's always a plus.

I followed a line of sunlight streaking across the ceiling through a gap in the curtains and grinned as more memories flooded back. Jay betting us that we couldn't keep up with him when it came to sambuca shots. Lauren and I making out in a darkened corner of the dance floor. Dinah catching us and not knowing where to look. Lauren and I making out by the toilets. Lauren whispering in my ear just how much she wanted to get me out of there and exactly what she wanted to do to me. Dinah and Jay getting on really well, like, really really well.

I wasn't the only one that had noticed that was I? The coy looks and flirty little touches. I'll have to save it for later and ask Lauren. Or I could go straight to Dinah and ask...

Lauren's fingers danced across my stomach, skimming very low and I was completely distracted from my trail of thought. Probably for the best. Today I really didn't need to stress over what I might or might not have seen between Dinah and Jay. Today is a big day.

I stole another look at my girlfriend, all adorably snuggled into my chest. Her face was half hidden but what I could see was all scrunched up with sleep. Beautiful. I didn't even care that she'd forgotten to take last night's make up off and her eyes were all black and smudgy. She always looks beautiful in my opinion.

And like I'd thought all those weeks ago, that first time I saw her stood amongst all the boys, I really don't think she realises just how beautiful she is. But I'm gunna make sure I tell her every day, every chance I get.

She's my beautiful, adorable, amazing girlfriend.

I guess I've come a long way really. From the girl in the stained top that had noticed the beautiful lesbian, slept with her and then ran scared like a little girl. I'm not saying I don't get scared any more, of course I do. But less because Lauren's a girl and more down to the actual relationship stuff. I get scared over the little stuff, sometimes over things that are probably a little pathetic, but I've stuck to my promise, no more running, no more hiding.

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