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There she was. The brown eyed from earlier. The beautiful girl with the amazing eyes.

"Her name's Camila." Someone whispered in my ear. I whipped my head around, slightly embarrassed that I'd been caught so obviously ogling on her, to find one of Jay's boys, as he calls them, Danny. He smirked at my flustered state at being caught out, and took a swig of his drink nonchalantly, as if he knew I was waiting on more information. "Camila Cabello, she lives with Normani Kordei, you know Tom's girl. Anyways, I hate to tell you babe, but she's as straight as a ruler."

I sighed. Ain't that always the way. The gorgeous ones are always bloody straight. "You sure?" I asked, trying to be as calm as possible. Inside, my head was racing. Why do I always want the straight ones? Danny laughed and rubbed my shoulder affectionately.

"Mate, she's like the bloody female Jay or something." Oh. Female Jay. He means she sleeps around, don't he? I sighed again. So not only was she straight, but she made the most of it too. I let my gaze drift back to her, the way her hips were moving in absolute perfect time to the music, the way she ran her hands up her body. She knew. She knew people were watching her. Of course she did. Why wouldn't people be drawn to her, she's quite possibly the best looking girl in here tonight. And she knows it. The way she holds herself, the way guys seem to be hovering around her. She's in here for a good time. That much is obvious.

But there's something about her.

Something different.


Ain't that what Danny had called her? Camila. Camila Cabello. I like the way it sounds in my head. It suits her. You know, it just seems to fit. I shook my head suddenly. This was stupid. How could I know if it fits or not? I know absolutely nothing about her, apart from her name, and the fact that she's apparently the female Jay Walker. And I only bloody found that out less than five minutes ago. I gulped down some beer and leant back against the bar. But I do know that she's the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. I know that I can't tear my eyes away from her.

I watched as a guy approached her from behind, snaking his arms around her waist, moving against her. Urgh. He was one of those big manly rugby lad types. Urgh. She probably loves guys like that. I mean straight girls like that kind of thing don't they? The whole big brute, cocky, I-can-down-a-pint-out-of-my-rugby-boot kinda guy. God knows why. She danced against him, dropping her hands to cover his and then pulled them off her.

Maybe I was wrong.

She stepped away from him, shot him a look and then headed away from the dance floor. Wait! She's heading towards the bar, the bar that I'm currently leaning on, openly perving at her. Fuck. She's definitely coming this way. Shit Lauren, stop fucking staring. I whipped around, leaning my elbows on the bar and focusing all my attention on the bottle of lager in my hands, like it had suddenly become the most interesting thing in the room.

"Can I get a vodka and coke please? A double."

Oh crap. She's standing right next to me. So close that I can feel the heat radiating off her. It's making the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. What is she doing to me? And her voice, shit, it's perfect. A little husky and silky and sweet. Jesus.

What's happening to me?



I handed over a couple of quid for my drink and turned away from the bar. I don't know what's up with me tonight but I'm really not in the mood. And it's pissing me off. I'm never not in the mood. Especially on a Saturday night. Normally I'd have pulled by now, but tonight I just ain't feeling it. And it's not because of a lack of lads or a lack of their interest. Not at all. But I just seem to keep rebuffing them. When that last guy wrapped his arms around my waist and started grinding against me, it felt wrong. I felt cheap. And that's never happened.

Falling is the easy part (Camren)Where stories live. Discover now