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It's been ages. And still nothing. Something's really, really not right.

I just know it.

But I don't know what to do. She's not answering my calls or ringing me back or replying to any of my messages. And I really don't think it'd be a good idea for me to go round to hers again, not when I don't know that she's definitely there. No, I know something's going on but I am completely and utterly helpless.

I've just been sat here, phone constantly in hand, calling her and then listening to her cheery answering machine message. Over and over. And then staring at her picture for a little while, praying that if I stare hard enough then by some strange telekinesis type magic, my phone will go off and she'll have text me letting me know that everything's okay. And hopefully, that's she's on her way over. That'd be pretty fucking perfect right about now.

I shifted again on the sofa, the worry and nerves and whatever else make me fidgety, and looked out of the window. It had started tipping it down sometime in the last hour, the Great British summer having come to a premature end already, and the encroaching night had given the sky a moody purple looking colour. It was all a bit depressing, like the weather had picked up on my mood and decided to project that into the night's sky. Gloomy.

Maybe Camila had simply decided that she didn't want to walk over in the rain. Or maybe she was just waiting to see if it died down a little before setting out in it. That would be understandable.

But then why hadn't she let me know? If she didn't want to get soaked on her way over then why wasn't she answering her phone?

What if something's happened on her way over here? What if she's been attacked, or hit by a car, or...? Oh fucking hell, I'm letting my mind run away from me ain't I? But still, what if something like that had happened? It's not like anyone would think to call me, the secret girlfriend. No-one even knows I bloody exist. Well, not in relation to Camila anyway. And who would they ring anyway? I mean if like something has happened to her, and she'd been taken to hospital, does she have someone down as a next of kin or emergency contact or anything?

Oh God.

If something's happened to her, she'd be all alone in hospital and I wouldn't know because nobody even knows Camila has a girlfriend at home worrying about her. She could be there now, alone, and fighting for her life and... Lauren! Stop it.

I ran a shaky hand through my hair and let out a breath. I was panicky I know. And getting all wound up and carried away and letting my mind run away from me. That wasn't helping anything, I know that too. Turning my attention back to my phone, I pressed redial and waited for the inevitable ringing out. Only it didn't come. It didn't ring at all, just went straight to voicemail.



That means that she's probably been hit by a bus and she's been rushed to hospital and the nurses or something have had to turn off her phone because it was interfering with the machines or something. Or maybe she's been mugged and someone's nicked her phone and left her in a puddle down an alley or something. Or maybe...

Falling is the easy part (Camren)Where stories live. Discover now