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Lauren and her mates are an absolute ball. Seriously. I don't think I've laughed this much on a night out for ages. Jay and the lads are all a total mess. They haven't stopped drinking. In fact they're just drinking more and more. There's been rounds of tequilas and flaming sambucas and jaegerbombs. I'm telling you, my head is gonna be pounding in the morning.

And Lauren is completely hilarious. And so sweet.



Oh fuck it. I'm too drunk to care right now. And I'm having a great night. Really great. And weirdly I'm not trying it on with any of the lads, and they're not trying it with me. And I couldn't care less. In fact I'm actually enjoying not having to flirt, or keep up the sexy, slightly mysterious image. It's relaxed. I'm relaxed. And it feels really good.

"Here." Talking of sweet. She was here, suddenly, passing me what looked suspiciously like another shot. "If I've gotta do one, then you have to too."

Okay maybe not so sweet all the time. I grinned at her, shaking my head. I definitely did not need more shots. Good never came of multiple, different shots. Multiple, different shots normally meant waking up next to the not so good looking guys, not remembering names, awkward conversations and sniggering housemates, hangovers affecting my swimming. More shots was definitely not ideal. Tonight was different.

"Purrrlleeeeasse," Lauren pouted.

"I've had too many already," I moaned.

Jay was quickly between us, a drink in either hand, a small wet patch on the front of his shirt, reeking of alcohol. "Mila, if you think that you've had too many then you haven't had enough. It's like the first rule of drinking."

Lauren and I both furrowed our brows in confusion. What the fuck is he on about? Lauren caught my eye and shrugged her shoulders. If she didn't have a clue either, and she seemed to know him fairly well, then I'll be damned if I'm ever gonna understand him. A smile crept across Laurens lips, lighting up her whole face and I found myself smiling too. Must be the excessive alcohol and all the laughter. I shrugged too and took one of the shots from her hands, quickly seeing it off resulting in cheers from both Lauren and Jay. I giggled and then reached for one of Jay's drinks, the one that looked most appealing, and washed down the shot. That was fucking disgusting. The shot and Jay's drink. He laughed heartily as I grimaced.

"That's more fucking like it!" He cheered, spilling a little more drink down his front. "Your turn Lauser."

Lauren necked the shot and grimaced too. "What the hell was that?"

"I dunno," I giggled as she continued to pull faces. I offered her the drink I'd just taken from Jay, which she happily took and gulped back. "You bought them didn't ya?"

"Well, yeah," she wrinkled her nose up, frowning. "But I kinda just asked for two shots. I didn't really specify what of. Just asked that girl behind the bar to surprise me with something strong." She gestured towards the bar, where a tall, slender girl with jet black hair and a nose stud was pouring a round of drinks. As if she knew she was being watched, she looked up from what she was doing and smiled shyly at Lauren. Aha. Make it bleeding obvious why don't you love?

"She so fancies you," I realised, nudging Laurens's shoulder with mine. She blushed. Her cheeks went bright pink, visible even in the dimly light club. She ducked her head slightly, so I couldn't meet her eyes, and scuffed one of her heels across the sticky floor.

Aww. How cute? Cute?! You're calling her fucking cute now Camila? Man the fuck up.

"Who fancies who?" Jay butted in, draping one arm around my shoulders, the other around Lauren's. I was almost thankful of the interruption. At least I hadn't done something stupid. Like call her cute out loud.

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