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She was kissing me. Camila Cabello was actually kissing me.

Her were lips just as soft and inviting as they look. The slight lingering taste of sambuca and sweet lip gloss; my new favourite taste. It was everything I imagined it would be and a million things more. Her fingertips grazed across my cheek bone and then slid into my hair pulling me deeper, her tongue ran across my bottom lip, eager for entrance. Which I obviously granted. I mean, come on, it's Camila fucking Cabello.

Fucking hell. Camila Cabello is actually properly kissing me. A real, searing kiss.


I pulled back abruptly. She's straight. Really straight. And she's drunk. This obviously doesn't mean the same to her as it does to me. It can't. Can it? Camila's brow furrowed and her eyes flicked open meeting mine immediately. I needed to see that she was kissing me because she wanted to, not just because she hadn't managed to pull a lad before the end of the night.

Maybe it's all the drink. Maybe it's like some kind of experiment. People do that right, when they're at university. Experiment. Just because they can. Maybe I'm just Camila's experiment. I can't just be Camila's experiment.

"Lo?" she questioned, not removing her hand from the back of my neck, or dropping the other from my hip. Her voice was husky and the way that she said my name...


This is what she wants. She wants me. She kissed me because she fucking wants me. She's not regretting it or legging it or, I dunno, wanting to slap me across the face. Shit. She actually wants me. I didn't answer her, I just licked my lips and crashed my lips against hers again, immediately pushing my tongue into her mouth. It was hungry. And it was frantic. But fuck, was it hot. I slipped my free arm around Camila's shoulders and she gripped my hip, pulling me in even closer.

Jesus. Camila's pressing herself against me in all kinds of crazy ways.

My tongue brushed past hers and she moaned into my mouth, clutching the back of my neck even tighter. It felt incredible. Better than incredible. Verging on the earth-shattering and mind blowing. It was sending my entire body into overdrive. I've never wanted anybody the way I want Camila right now. The way she kissing me, it's doing things to me I've never felt before. Never. Not in any kiss I've ever had before. She's different. There's something about her.

Camila's hand slipped around to the small of my back, pushing me into her, her other hand still gripping at my neck, her fingers tangling into my hair. It was like she was trying to melt us together or something. Like she wanted more, like she wanted all of me. And I wasn't exactly gonna fight it, was I? I mean this is Camila fucking Cabello remember. And she's kissing me. She made the first move, she whispered my name all husky and sexy like. She fucking wants me.

And I want her. Like you wouldn't believe. Our tongues continued to battle as I ran my own hand up from her hip, up over her top, caressing her curves. I could feel the tightness of her toned stomach, the muscles taut under the skin. Fuck me, she's fit. In more ways than one.

She pulled away first this time. Her chest heaving against mine, as she fought to steady her breathing, her lips parted, as she sucked in shallow breaths, her cheeks rosy and flustered. She looked so fucking sexy. I closed my eyes briefly, trying to focus my head on something other than her hand on my back or her breath on my lips. I couldn't. It was all could focus on. As far as I'm concerned we were no longer in a club, on a dance floor, with pumping music. It was just me and her. She tilted her head to rest against mine, our foreheads pressed together. I daren't move. I couldn't.

Camila brushed her thumb over my cheek again, the softness of the gesture making my heart flutter. Her tongue darted out of her lips and my eyes were automatically drawn to them. She was doing things to me.

Falling is the easy part (Camren)Where stories live. Discover now