Chapter 12: Rock.

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I sat in Aunte Solange's guest room listening to "Change Me" By Justin Bieber. It was 12:00a.m. and Manny was blowing my phone up. But I don't blame him at all. He misses me and I miss him too. I decided instead of texting him back, I would FaceTime him. I pressed FaceTime on his contact information and waited for his face to pop up. After the first ring he answered with a huge Kool-Aid smile spread across his face. I giggled before adjusting the phone so I could lay on my stomach. 

"Hey Mahja." Manny grinned. 

"You've been calling me that for like three days now. Why?" I rolled my eyes playfully. 

"Because I like the sound of it. Manny and Bahja. Mahja. I'm yours and you're mines. A combination of our name." Manny cheesed. 

"You're such a corn square." I giggled once more. 

"You mean corn ball?" Manny raised an eyebrow. 

"No I mean corn square. Your head is shaped like a square. Get it?" I busted out laughing. 

"Man you really have bad jokes." Manny shook his head.

"Oh shush. They're just as bad as yours y'know?" I pointed out. 

"Hey! I'm the king of jokes. Ask your mom." Manny pouted. 

"My mother spares feelings. Of course she would say that." I snickered. 

"Hurtful...I'm going to have to talk to her about that." Manny looked down. 

"Your feelings are so easily hurt." I smacked my lips. 

"Whatever." Manny bucked. 

"I miss you though..." I bit my lip. 

"Why that look so seductive though?" Manny chuckled. 

"Cause I'm just like my mother." I flipped my hair and gave him a conceited smile. 

"Okay Bahyonce." Manny joked. 

"Bam!" I did jazz hands. I soon regretted it because my nails looked like trash. 

"Man I need a manicure. I need to stop showing these nails until then." I huffed. 

"Girls." Manny cut his eyes.

"Boys are worse." I said defensively. 

"Nuh Uh!" Manny said in a kid voice. 

"Yes huh!" I mimicked him. My room door opened and my mother slumped through. She flopped on my bed and closed her eyes. 

"Hi Mrs. Carter!" Manny startled her. 

"Oh my gosh!" My mother jolted up. 

"Oops. Sorry." Manny laughed lowly. 

"It's good Manny. How are you?' My mother took the phone from me. 

"Good how about you?" Manny all of a sudden got invested. 

"I'm wonderful." My mother smiled. 

"I can see where Bahja gets all her beauty from." Manny said in a daze. 

"Aw thanks Manny! You're too kind." My mother flipped her hair. 

"Okay that's enough facetime for you two." I grabbed the phone out my mother's hand. 

"Turn on the lights in here. It's so dark." My mother turned on the lights. 

"Sss." I hissed like a vampire. 

"Teenagers." My mother flopped back on the bed. 

"Your mom is so perf. She's life bro." Manny cried. 

"Are you...crying? Manny you've seen my mother many times." I laughed. 

"She's just too perfect. When y'all get back to Brooklyn your mom and I are totally taking fifty thousand selfies." Manny wiped his tears. 

"You're such a fan Manny." I laughed. 

"Who wouldn't be?" Manny scoffed. 

"Eh I don't know." I shrugged. 

"But I'm a bigger fan of you Bahja. Know that." Manny smiled and kissed the screen. 

"I'm a big fan of you two ManMan." I kissed the screen back. 

"Bahja our favorite television show is on! Tell Manny we'll call him back never." My mother got cozy in my bed. 

"I'll talk to you later M." I said. 

"Bye Mahja." Manny waved before hanging up. My mother and I cuddled while watching our favorite television show. Honestly we don't know what it's called. We never bother to look. We just know it comes on late. Good enough for me.

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