[Chapter 22] I Know Your Secret

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I cant believe there is only 8 more chapters left can you? omg omg I'm excited for my next books. Well enjoy this chapter and dont cry like I'm gonna do :'(

Chapter 22 I Know Your Secret

Cassidy's P.O.V.

Months have passed since what happened between me and Austin. I honestly dont know if he got out, but from what my dad told me he is forced to be in high school another year. Even though I shouldn't I do still feel bad for him, he seemed like a really nice person deep down inside. Sometimes, I just sit and think would any of this happen if I never went out with Daniel? I would have never met Cameron or Andrew, I would have never even noticed Cameron when I came here. He would have probably just looked at me as another girl in high school. Would me and Austin even close to where we were before? Would Cameron still be the one to save me that day? I shook my head out of these suffocating questions and focused on the large rack of dresses in front of me. It was early May. The girls and I immediately rushed to the mall to pick out our dream dress we always wanted. I huffed in frustration as I was at the end of the rack, and of course empty hands. I soon heard huffs behind me and by their faces I could tell they were having the same dilemma as me. We walked out of the store and plopped on a near by bench tapping our fingers as we thought of what to do next. Hmm, what could we-

"I got it!" my thoughts were paused by Lucy's sudden out burst.

"Well dont just sit there, spit it out blondie!" Carson playfully smacked and Lucy winced like the sensitive girl she is making me giggle.

"Hey now," Lucy warned, "I have an Aunt who lives here in LA. Aunt Carol, she is so nice and sweet, and oh my gosh she makes the best cookies and-" Lucy's ramble was rudely interrupted by our shouts.

"Get on with it already!" we shouted in unison.

"Sorry, she designs dresses for a living and I was thinking we could stop by, make some sketches, and she could make them in time for prom," Lucy flashed her sweet smiled and Carson and I agreed before hurriedly dragging Lucy out of the mall.

Aunt Carol was very nice and quickly welcomed us with open arms as we stepped into her beautiful house. Lucy then explained our situation to Aunt Carol and she soon came back with 3 sketch books. Carson and I squealed excitedly as we quickly got to work. I was terrible at drawing but sketching was no big deal for me. I mean it didn't have to be perfect and if you saw I draw then you would probably think I was sketching. That is just how bad I was at drawing, it just isn't my thing. In several minutes Lucy was finished and she showed everyone her master piece. It was beautiful and I gasped and how skilled she was. She shrugged it off and told us how she went though drawing classes. And to think she never paid any attention to that stuff. As if on queue Aunt Carol came in with a great smelling batch of cookies. Lucy grabbed her sketch book and by the smile on her face I knew she liked it and couldn't wait to wear it. This was her dream dress. As for me, I continued sketching, erasing, sketching and erasing over and over. I sighed in frustration and asked Aunt Carol for her help. I guided her through my vision and I was very pleased with the outcome. It had all the right measurement, colors, and it looked perfect. Soon we were all settled with our dresses and told we would get them 2 days before prom. Since today was Saturday, we dropped by the school to watch Carson practice singing for prom in 2 weeks. Honestly I've never heard Carson sing, but I heard she is amazingly talented. I then saw that one guy that looked so familiar I think his name is Brandon standing on stage with Carson as they were getting ready to sing. The sound track played and before I knew it they were singing their hearts out.

I'm thinking bout every second every hour

Do my singing in the shower

Picking petals of the flower like

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