[Chapter 9] The New Cameron Price

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"The New Cameron Price"

Cameron's P.O.V.

I finally got her back! My Cass that I've missed so much over the years has finally come back. Although, there is something different about her. She doesn't seem like how she used to be. Almost like she changed, but is it for the better? In the teacher's lounge I've never experienced that part of Cassidy before. It's like just by touching her, she freaked out. She acts like I just stabbed her, and she immediately start crying. Did I do something? What happened when I wasn't there? I need to find out what it is. Didn't she say something about darkness? I don't know, but I'll find out sooner or later.

"Cam baby what's wrong? You have been quiet all day."my girlfriend, Ally Ross, came over to my couch, and sat on my lap.

Yup, that is typical Ally always trying to get attention, always trying to be the prettiest, and she wasn't even that ugly. She was actually really hot, but I only used her for the fun stuff if you know what I mean. Honestly, I mostly used her to get over Cassidy -which didn't really work at all- so that I would stop thinking about her, but how can you forget someone you care so much about? I didn't mean to hurt her, I just didn't want to get too attach to my feelings. I can't help but wonder how would things worked out if we got together? Ally, she was a straight up bitch. She was always bitchy, slutty, and a giant pain in the ass. Besides her being hot, she was so jealous just by a girl looking at me. The only reason we ever went out was; because it is the perfect stereotype. The football, and cheerleader captain both go out and are the schools hottest couple. We had to keep that reputation, so why not have random make out sessions in the hallway and classes? Now, it's getting very annoying. Hell, everything she does to be cute is so fucking annoying. She really isn't my type, but that's why I have her for the fun, right? Before Cassidy came, I was actually considering breaking up with her as I heard rumors of her cheating on me multiple times. Besides that, she is always on top of me -literally-, kissing me, like I need to breathe sometime! Also, she so damn needy! As much as I love kissing, Ally is getting sloppier by the second; if that even makes sense. I swear she is trying to swallow me! What if I break up with her? What's stopping me? No one said I had to do anything, so why not break up with her?

"Nothing, just thinking about some things," I answered with a fake smile then glancing to the television, avoiding her gaze.

"Really?", Ally drew circles on my chest. I stopped her hand from going any further, "What's wrong with you?"

I rolled my eyes, and pushed her off of me, gently with one arm, while I shifted away from her, "I'm just not in the mood," I said coldly, and annoyed, still avoiding her gaze.

"Can I changed that mood?", she blinked innocently, smiling at me.

"It's getting late Ally, you should go," I spoke emotionless, and without looking I could practically see that surprised look on her face because this was the first time I rejected her.

"Excuse me? It is only 5:30!", she gasped at me with her hands on her hips.

I ignored her, and got up, making my way to my room hoping that she would get the message and leave me the hell alone.

"Are you rejecting me?!" she continued following me. I could tell she was in pure shock.

"Yup," I coldly closed the door in her face.

I heard her scoff like she always does. Soon after hearing the front door slam, I plopped on my bed like I do after every long day. This one was; because I was so confused of what to do. It's obvious I just don't like Ally. Should I break up with her? Do I just stay friends with Cassidy, and that's all? Do I ask Cassidy out? Unconsciously, I take out my phone, and dial the number that I had for years now. Cassidy Olson. After three impatient rings, she picked up her phone.

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