[Chapter 11] As We Go Along

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PICTURE OF MANDY ON SIDEEE >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

"As We Go Along"

Cameron's P.O.V.

I secretly snapped the picture of the hilarious sight in front of me, and burst out laughing of the outcome. God she was amazing.

"What is so funny over there?", the angelic voice spoke highly confused.

"Nothing," I snorted.

"Tell me, I want to know." she pushed.

"Trust me, you don't," I shook my head in laughter.

"No fair," She crossed her arms while pouting, leaning back in her seat. Damn her. I always give in to her frowns, and she knows it.

"Fine," I added, "Just don't kill me," I hesitantly gave her the phone.

I watched her reaction go from a happy one to a shocked one. I immediately started bursting out in a loud laughter watching her wipe her face, ferociously with a napkin.

"Cam! Shutup," she yelled throwing her crumpled napkin at me, "I hate you!"

"Ouch," I continued to laugh.

We were eating ice cream at some park she found when she was driving, and really liked it, so we decided to hang to around here for the day like old times. She didn't notice when she looked at her watch for the time that she totally dipped her nose in ice cream. It was so hard for me not to laugh as she continued to talk like nothing happened. Me being the clever one took a picture of this moment to save forever. Her face was priceless when I gave her my phone. The look on her ice cream face was in pure shock, and I couldn't help but laugh even harder when she was rubbing her face with the napkin so hard.

"Cam if you don't shutup...," she trailed off threatening me.

"Or what? You wont dare hurt me," I continued to push, challenging her.

"You don't know me," she avoided eye contact with me.

I furrowed my eyebrows. Why is she acting like this? Did she just shut me out?

"Well then tell me about yourself," I studied her blank face, looking for some sort of expression, "Tell me the story of Cassidy Olson or should I say 'Cassidy Wiseman Olson'," I air quoted her new name.

"It's not a fun story," she murmured, now finished her ice cream.

"A story is a story. How bad can it be?" I smiled, but inside I truly feared for my friend.

She gave me the 'Are you kidding me' look and I smiled again. She rolled her eyes, but kept them closed. She sighed before speaking again.

"Are you sure you want to know? This is your last warning," I nodded and gulped, "Well just promise you won't get mad please." She begged, making me even more scared than I was.

"Cass what happened?" I reached for her hand, but she pulled away.

"Promise," She asked once more, becoming quickly cold again.

"I can't do that, I know that you just trying to stop me from getting mad," I continued, "It must be really that bad for you to make me promise not to get mad, and I don't get that mad easily, so I am not promising anything," I told her sternly.

"Why can't you just promise!?", she stood from her seat.

"Because you know I cant do that Cass," I spoke calmly, "What happened that was so bad that I have to promise not to get mad?"

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