[Chapter 10] Everybody Has A Dark Side

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"Everybody Has A Dark Side"

Cassidy's P.O.V.

I walk through the halls feeling more insecure than ever. I have my hair down, covering my face, and I hold my books to my chest as I make my way through the busy halls to get to Geometry. I walk quickly, and scan the halls. I'm trying my best to avoid the monster from spotting me, but as always its no use because in a matter of seconds he finds me.

"Hello gorgeous," He purrs on my ears, and I turn around in disgust.

"What do you want?", I hiss.

"Ouch. That's no way to talk to your boyfriend," He faked a hurt expression.

"Yeah, ok," I scoff.

"Now don't start with me Cass, didn't you learn your lesson?" he raises an eyebrow at me.

"First, don't call me that. Only my friends call me that, and you definitely are not my friend," I emphasized the word "not".

"That's right kitten I'm your boyfriend," he leans down, and I look away blocking his kiss.

"Playing hard to get are we?", He growls angrily.

"It wouldn't be playing if I'm trying hard is to get away," I glare at him.

"You don't mean that,' His eyes meet mine, and I can see they have darkened.

I know if people weren't around he would definitely beat the shit out of me. So let's have a little fun and why not test him?

"Oh, but I do," I smirk at him then turn around, but to pulled back by my wrist.

"You never learn do you?", his grips tightens and I wince.

"Actually that's why I need to get to class," I shrug the pain off, and pretend like it was nothing.

"Well after your learning time is over, you're coming to my house," He purrs in my ear, and I step back and shake my head.

"I'm busy," I state.

"Doing what? We both know you don't have a life or anything to do so how could you possibly be busy," he chuckles teasing me.


"Whatever I'm leaving," I roll my eyes and turn again but once again grabbed harshly by my wrist, "What?!" I snap.

"Wouldn't want to talk to me like that darling," he wiggled his finger at me, "Text your mother you'll be with me; because I will be waiting here at your locker when school is over," he leans down, and pecks my cheek before leaving. I close my eyes and curse under my breath before opening them.


I look up to meet Daniel's eyes, and he looks as if he is shocked. Then smiles at me, and I politely smile back before walking to my class already late. Thanks a lot Andrew. All day my mind couldn't focus. I was going insane. I knew I should of told Cam when he left, but what good would that have done? After a week or two that's when Andrew started hurting me again. At first he was nice letting me grieve over losing my best friend, but then he noticed as I started to feel cautious around him. He didn't like that at all. He started becoming very clingy, and I tried my best in every way to avoid him. I couldn't just ignore, and let go the pain he put me through. Daniel told me I should be careful around him, and not to get too close, so I took his advice which only made Andrew even more mad. They day finally came when I was walking home and he decided to walk with me. I was so annoyed that day; because of all the homework stressing me out, losing my best friend, and the Annoying Andrew stuck to me like a tattoo. I finally blew up in his face, and I watched as his face darkened with anger. He slapped me for yelling at him. He pushed me on the ground, knocking all my things over the ground, and I stared at him in shock. I thought to myself ' Oh not this again please no ' At that moment I was so scared, but he just walked away, leaving me. The next days he came from being an annoying, clingy friend to a dark, creepy stalker. He forced me into everything, threatening to put me in so much pain. He forced me to hang out with him, and the guys late at night partying -which I didn't like at all-, but thankfully I could always find at least one sober person with a mind.

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