[Chapter 20] Something That We're Not

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Hey guise I'm writing on my kindle! Sorry I'm really hyper. Well enjoy! Tell me what you think ;-)

Chapter 20: Us

Cassidy Oslon's.

Today I woke up with the biggest smile on my face and didn't even know why. Oh yeah. I woke up to finally having the best boyfriend on the world. Then, I frowned. I have school today. I knew Ally didn't get suspended because I started the fight, so she probably got some detention or something. I sighed and got out of my bed rubbing my tired eyes, slightly feeling groggy. I looked through my closet before finding something simple today. My finally decision was on denim skinny jeans, a white lace and floral short sleeved shirt, and my opened toed wedges along with some mint green colored jewelry to match my mint green colored purse. I took a quick shower and hoped out, quickly putting on my outfit, and flattening my still weird hair. I took one last look into my mirror before I rushed out of my room. Oh no my makeup. I shrugged and made a mental note to do it the car when I arrived to school. I rushed past my mom and gave a quick kiss to my dad on his cheek. He was ill so I was happy when I saw his stuffy smile before a sneeze followed after.

"No breakfast dear?" my mom called after me and I stopped and pecked her cheek.

"Nope, I'm fine thanks mom," I closed the door behind me and jumped into my car.

I tapped nervously on the steering wheel, thinking of what could happen as soon as I step foot in the school grounds. Sadly, the drive the school was too sort for my liking and I cursed my house for being so unnecessarily close to this drama filled building. I quickly applied some mascara and eye shadow to my eyes along with a layer of strawberry lip gloss, smacking my lips together before heading my purse and walking into the school. Even before I walked to the doors I managed to grab everyone's attention with just the click of my heels. I made no eye contact with anyone as I focused on just getting my light pink locker where I know my friends will be happy to see me. But as always I failed when I spotted the bitch herself glaring right at me, and truthfully that just made my day. It made me think 'she must really not want me here' and the thought alone made me smirk. Wait until she -

"Cassidy!" I chuckled as I met eyes with my squealing best friend.

Carson ran up to me -well at least tried to with the heels she was in- and engulfed me into a tight hug. Lucy then appeared in my sight and also hugged.

"You can see how lonely she is without you, Carse pouted so much I thought her lips were about to fall of," Lucy whispered in my ear, making me giggle and Carse frown.

"Hey include me in on the joke," Carson huffed.

"We were just talking about how I was so sure your lips were going to fall of from yesterday," Lucy teased and Carson crossed her arms.

"It's ok Carse, at least I know someone around here missed me," I simply posted her shoulder making Carse roll her eyes.

"I missed you," a husky voice whispered in my ear, making me jump.

I turned around and smacked Cameron's arm, "You just saw me yesterday remember?"

"Yeah, but that was last night. I had to spend the whole day without you," Cameron groaned and wrapped his arms around my waist, while our lips met in sync.

"Um Cassidy you have a lot of explaining to do at lunch, but I want all the details. Come on let's go Lucy," Carson playfully glared at me and walked away dragging a stuttering and shocked Lucy behind.

"Looks like someone is in trouble," Cameron smiled, flashing his perfectly white teeth.

"Oh she'll live, that is just Carson being Carson," I rolled my eyes, while smiling.

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