Sorry Guise

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heyy im so sorry again but my stupid internet is down again. Yeah we should probably look into that right? Well we have but so many other things are going on now and getting the internet back on is 2nd on our minds. Im so sorry to make you guise wait and trust me i know how it feels. Everyday i want to just go on my laptop and type so i can finish this in January but it looks like i wont finish until mid or late January. Its a shame because Im really excited for my next book called Followed. Not saying anything more than you guise will be able to have a sneak peak so don't give up on me just yet. I haven't forgot any of you and I think of u guise everyday. I can promise i will be on soon but after i deal with my family issues which shouldn't be too long idk. Just stick with me guise and hang in there Ill update soon!! Happy holidays and enjoy the snow (for the people it comes across)!! Bye guise ilygsm thanks for understand and reading this extra long paragraph. Well it seems that way on my phone. Anyways byeeeeee <3

Xoxo Dee

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