[Chapter 12] The Way I See It

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"The Way I See It"

Lucy's P.O.V.

As always me and Carse were waiting at outside for -the one and only late one- Cassidy. I suppose her and Cameron got caught up again. They are usually always together, almost like Austin and Cameron, but that swiftly changed. Ever since Cassidy told us about her legend history with Cameron, things changed drastically. Yeah, I know they always been friends, but I just have this feeling something is different between them. Every time I see them apart they are always in a mood where they are deep in thought. Even though they put on an act as if they are just ok, I know that there is some tension between them that is only visible to people who observe. Cameron is almost like two different people; when he is with his friends, he is the usual, pain in the ass, jerky, hot, flirtatious, and conceded bully who would think twice about smashing your face in if you ever threatened him. But when he is around Cassidy, he is so funny, awesome, nice, adorable, and a complete opposite to his normal side when he is with his friends. When Cassidy described him when they lived back in Michigan, he acts exactly like that when she is around. Is he putting up an act around her? I doubt it, it's his friends he is putting an act up for. Cameron has been pretty clingy to Cassidy lately. Ever since Cameron's and Ally's breakup he has been very distant with his friends, especially Austin and that is unusual since they used to be inseparable, I wonder what happened. I doubt that Cassidy wouldn't know if I asked her.

"Hey guys," the blonde bounced in with a wide smiley and had 'Cameron' written all over her.

"Hello Cass, nice of you to join us," I playfully rolled me eyes and she giggled.

"Sorry, I was with Cameron again," she smiled at the mention of his name. God that girl was truly clueless, she clearly had 'love' written all over her face, but she never noticed it and always denied her feelings towards him, "he has been very clingy lately, but you cant blame him with him and Austin not being 'buddies' anymore," Cassidy air quoted 'buddies'.

"Yeah, what happened with them?" I cocked my head to the side confused.

"You mean, you didn't hear," Carson jumped in the conversation and gasped, "omg Ally totally cheated on Cameron! Like that's a shock, but the shocking part is she did it with Austin!" Carson exclaimed and my mouth hung open.

"What?!" I threw my hands in the air and Carson jumped up with me and nodded.

"Guys calm down," Cassidy interrupted while laughing.

"Oh, sorry, that was truly a shock, but at least that explains why every calls them the school's most hated," I shrug as if it was no big deal and Carson snorted.

Cassidy laughed, "well Luc, are you ready to go?" Cassidy gestured to her car.

"Ok, let's, see ya later Carse," I waved to her and walked away with Cassidy.

"Bye!" she shouted back.

The drive home was great in Cassidy's, cute blue camaro. We sung and jammed out to songs on the radio like maniacs which was really fun actually. it got my mind off of some things for a little while, but it was ruined of course when Cassidy pulled up to my house -A.K.A. Hell- and waved goodbye to me. i got out the car door and waved back to my new friend as she drove away. i walked up to my door and reached for the handle, but it swung open making me jump back. Standing there before me was Austin Payne being pushed out of the house by my annoying sister Carly.

"Carly listen to me," the blonde headed boy turned around and grabbed my sister's wrists, "it's not what you-" he was cut off from a hand that collided with his face.

She Could Be the OneOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora