She Could Be The One [COMING SOON]

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Coming Soon......!

Hey guise can't wait for you to experience the adventure and love Cassidy goes through. Hopefully you don't have to wait too long. I'll be starting in the beginning of September, and update as often as I can. Most likely 2 or 3 times a week. Be Tee Dubs NO STEALIES AND I MEAN IT. I WILL FIND YOU SOMEHOW AND SOMEWAY *CREEPY STARE* I HAVE MY CONNECTIONS. But other than that I can't wait for you guise to read it, and it will also be in editing so please tell me if u see any mistakes because i happen to make a lot, and when I say a lot I mean A LOT. Give your honest opinion, I need those to make this a better story for you to enjoy and read. Well I'll hopefully get to you guise soon. Byeee! :D

Deanna ♥

Hey Guysssss ! I'm the editor ! if you see any mistakes comment so I can check that out ! I leave little comments at the end of each story but its all good ! well enjoy the storryyyyy !!

Alyssa ^-^

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