[Chapter 17] The Great Depression

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Chapter 17 The Great Depression

Mandy's P.O.V.

I'm becoming very worried for my stepsister. She has locked herself in her room ever since she came home a week ago. She never came out once, and come to think of it she hasn't even shown any signs of life. What happened? She blocked mom out, she blocked dad out, her friends, she even blocked me out, and now I realize she blocked Cameron too. Cassidy -as far as I known- never blocked this much people before. Cassidy hasn't even eaten anything, she hasn't talked, moved, and I'm starting to believe that something is really wrong with my stepsister and I don't like this anymore, I want this to stop. I knocked on the door once more listening for anything, for some hope that she is still there and breathing.

"Cassidy, honey," I softly tapped on her wooden door, "Please open up and talk to me please Cass," I pleaded, "I need to know if your at least alive," I added, but as always I got nothing.

I deeply sighed, and slid down the door, burying my face in my arms thinking of all the things possible what could of happened the past week. I know I didn't do anything, she wasn't even around me when she went into her depression state. Was it mom? Dad? Her friends? Cameron? Maybe Cameron knew what happened to her, he always knew what went on with Cassidy. Always.  He was the closest chance I could get to an answer right now, and I'm extremely desperate to find one. I'm this close to do just about anything to find out why my sister is not being my sister anymore. So that's what I did. I grabbed my keys, and hopped in my car, driving straight to my destination.

I rung the doorbell, and it took a minute or two before I heard shuffling and then the door knobbed being twisted.

"Hey Mandy right?" A familiar brunette opened the door I think who's name is Drake.

"Yeah, hey Drake. Is, uh Cameron home?" I questioned and watched as his face expression went from calm to suddenly concerned.

"Uh," Drake nervously scratched the back of his neck, "he is, but I don't think now is a good time," Drake had this uneasy tone in his voice.

I narrowed my eyes at him, I wasn't going anywhere without an answer, "Ok, well you can tell me," I grabbed the collar of his shirt and yanked him closer, "What happened to my little sister?" I gritted through my teeth.

Drake was obviously shocked by my sudden move, "I honestly don't know, if I knew I would tell you but I don't," he babbled.

I sighed and let him go, "Can I at least talk to Cameron, Cassidy hasn't shown one sign of life ever since she locked herself in that room," I shook my head and looked at the ground.

"And you think Cameron is doing any better?" Drake rose and eyebrow, "It's worse for him actually. When he got home he destroyed everything in his room ,he even cried, but after that everything just grew silent and the house has been cold ever since," Drake frowned, and I honestly felt for him. You just see in his eyes he truly fears for his friend, and I'm sure he hasn't seen Cameron act like this ever.

"So something did happen between those two," I mumbled to myself, "Can I at least try and talk to him?"

"Oh, I wouldn't go in there if I were you. The last time Brady went in there, he almost got chocked to death," Drake's expression as priceless as he thought back to the horrid memory.

"Well, there is a first time for everything right?" I smiled weakly.

"Enter at your own risk," Drake welcomed me in with such welcoming word might I add.

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