Of Sick Days and Rebirth

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Good the key is still in its original spot. Quietly entering the house I take a quick look around I don't see Near anywhere. Hopefully he's in his room sleeping. *quietly walks over to Near's room then peeks inside* Upon seeing the sleeping boy I tiptoed up to the side of his bed, and look down at his sleeping face. It looks so pained with a sigh I head towards the connecting bathroom. Grab a towel wet it then wring out most of the water coming back, softly I place the towel upon his forehead. His face goes from pained to slightly relaxed. As I was about to leave the room I hear him mumble in his sleep

"Z-Zia *labored breathing* I'm sorry, please *weezing* forgive me, please take me *hard cough and sneezing* back...*coughs violently, rolls over to onto his side*...I love you" *frowns and shakes head while looking down at the male, a single tear spills from his closed gray eyes, gently wipes it away* Still in love huh, but it's to late Nate....It's far to late now, it's over. 

Leaving Nate's room I head to the kitchen. Let's see what you've got in here. Looks like everything is fully stocked, nothing is out of date. That's good I can make split pea soup or go with the classic chicken noodle. Split pea soup it is. Taking out the ingredients and items needed for the soup I start making the meal. That is until I heard a nasally voice call out.

"Zia is that you?" *sighs softly* "You came to take care of me?" *continues to work on the meal* "I'm sorry" *stands behind her, slowly wrap his arms around her waist, tries to nuzzle her neck but can't seem to reach* "You left work to help me? *coughs softly* I feel so loved. *sneezes* If it's not to much to ask, will you take off your heels? I still like being the taller per-" *gently removes his arms*

*speaks just barely above a whisper, "just go lay back down Near. I'll bring your soup in a moment"* the white haired man whimpered and sniffled but did as he was told. Come on now you can do this. It's only for one day, besides no one else can do this. However if he gets all clingy on me again I'll punch him. I mean he was the one that ended things. He was the one that wouldn't listen to reason which caused everyone else to turn their backs.

This isn't fair! Why me? Why him? Why......Why now? There's so much I want to say, but it wouldn't be fair to do so right now. I'll wait until he comes to me with a clear mind. Then maybe we can work something out until than I'll have to bite my tongue. Placing the hot food into a small bowl than onto a tray with crackers on the side. I carefully make my way to Nate's room only to find him in the bathroom.

Head in the toilet puking his guts up. *tch, places the tray down and quickly goes to the boy* His hair has gotten slightly longer. I hold it back with my left hand while rubbing his back in small circles with the right. *nearly hacks up a lung* Jeez he's really sick. Maybe I should take him to a doctor. *stands up slowly, breathing heavily, whines and takes out his toothbrush, toothpaste and a cup yet again* It's pointless for him to do that if he is only going to puke again. *takes out a small white bottle, opens bottle takes out two pills* Hey give me that *takes the bottle, reads label* "Please tell me you haven't been taking these. This is no doze NOT cold medicine. I'm surprised you were even able to sleep while taking these. Come on let's get you fed and back into bed."

Walking ahead of him I move the tray so he can get back under the covers. Crawling into the bed he slips under the covers and looks at me. His eyes are all red and puffy so is his nose, his lips are very chapped. Frowning to myself I slowly move the tray of food towards the all white male. Gray and red eyes look at me pleadingly. "Don't tell me you want me to feed you.....You've got to be kidding me" *coughs softly* "Pwease Mi Amor" *eye twitches* "Just a little bit pwease" *whimpers softly*.......*rubs temples* "How am I suppose to say no to that face" *smiles weakly and sits up, opens his mouth a bit*

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