Chapter Nine: Waking Up

Start from the beginning

“China! Wait” I called after her, but she was already down the stairs and out of sight. I tried to get out from underneath James chest. I placed my hands on his stomach and began to push, but he didn’t budge. Instead he adjust the position to his liking, shimmying down a little so that he could see my head and placing his arms on either side of it, lifting his body just enough so that I wasn’t crushed with his weight but his skin still touched mine.

I sighed, giving up at just laid there underneath him. Even though I was infuriated with him, I could help the butterflies in my stomach from going crazy at the sight of his bare chest and arms. His perfectly tanned, sculpted abs were inviting, I wanted to reach out and run my fingers down his well built chest and body, make him shiver and sigh at my touch. His arms on either side of me were strong and comforting, the kind of arms that every girl wants wrapped around her when she wakes up in the morning.

James must have noticed where my eyes were lingering, because he smirked, letting out a low chuckle which vibrated through me.

“Um. See something you like?” He asked, smirking as I brought my eyes back to his face, blushing insanely. I tried to think of an excuse for my inappropriate staring. My mind drew a blank and I resorted to shrugging my shoulders. He laughed but still didn’t move.

“Are you going to get off me and explain how things are going to work, or are you just going to lay on top of me all morning.” I smirked, trying to keep my mind focused on why I was so mad and not on how much I wanted to touch him. He shamelessly looked down at me, chewing his lip ring, his eyes grazing over my body underneath him. I shook my head, MEN, I thought to my self. His eyes returned to my face.

“What?” He looked back at me innocently. I placed my hands on his chest once more, and pushed. This seemed to remind him of his original reason for not letting me go. So again he didn’t budge.

I’m not moving until you agree not to leave this house until I deal with Esteban in the way that I feel fit.” He looked at me so childishly. I laughed sarcastically.

“You’re saying that not only can I not go back to MY apartment, but now I cant even leave this place?” I couldn’t believe what I was hearing.

“Exactly” He smiled, sounding pleased that I understood what he was getting at. He waited patiently, eyes not leaving mine. I looked at him in silence, debating my few options: Stay here with James and be ensured safety, go back to my apartment and get killed. I really just wanted to go down stairs and talk to china about arranging a way to get out of here. I looked back at James, bringing my eye lashes together in a glare that only seemed to amuse him.

“Whatever. I’ll agree to your stupid rules” I said through clenched teeth. He seemed happy with my answer and slowly lifted himself off of me. I felt immediately abandoned and cold. My skin tingled where his had touched, and I felt a shiver run through my body. That didn’t go unnoticed. James looked down at me and smiled.

I looked up at him, in all of his perfection before pushing myself up and leaning back on my hands.

"James, have you heard anything about Hayden yet?" I look down, trying to hide the tears that were already forming, threatening to spill over.

James eyes softened as he returned to the bed and sat beside me, warping me in a warm embrace. I snuggled closer into his arms, trying to comfort myself with the strength and warmth of him.

"I got a call from one of the emergency doctors. He told me that Hayden had lost a significant amount of blood, but after 8 hours in surgery, he thinks he will make a full recovery." I nodded at his answer, guilt of the previous night  hitting me like a tidal wave. James felt my body tense, he bent his head to kiss my forhead, making me smile.

After what seemed like forever, James finally broke the silence.

"Its seems like Ive been having to ask this question alot, but, are you going to be okay?" He held me out at arms length, looking deep into my eyes. I nodded my head, and slowly began to rise off the bed before turning back to James, a question forming at my lips.

"However, theres something that has been bothering me, something you said before" James looked at me amused, like he alrady knew what I was about to say. He cocked his eyebrow, encouraging me to continue.

"Why would an emergency doctor willingly call one of the biggest Mafia bosses in the world? Why would he risk losing his job or being arrested?" I looked at James confused, but he continued to look at me with an amused expression.

"Yhansive, the emergency doctor I had been referring to, is an old mafia boss from Russia." James smiled at the surprised look on my face, shaking his head in amusement as he continued. "He was in the mafia world for 15 years. Actually he ws one of the best. However, he ended up falling in love." James eyebrows furrowed, looking at me, deep in thought, as he continued.

"He met a girl one night when he was makeing a deal, she was being harassed by a couple of drunk men, so Yhansive took care of them and took her home. He fell deeply in love and eventually she ended up baring his child. When his daughter was born, Yhansive wanted to leave behind the mafia world, knowing it was too dangerous for the two most imprtant girls in his life. So, he left. He left Russia, went to university, and became a well known doctor. However getting away from the Mafia is harder than he thought. There had ben a few instances where old rivals tried to make an example of him. But he has still kept a few connections, ie, me and a few others who have got his back. As long as he gives us acess to the hospital without the interference of the authorities." James smirked in an arrogant way.

I looked at him in shock. Who would have thought that even our medical system had been corrupted. He smiled again at me, rising from the bed and began walking for the door, turning last minute to speak.

“By the way Hailey, I didn’t undress you nor did I sleep with you. I really wouldn’t do that with out your permission” He winked. “China, actually dressed you last night when we got here, and for the record, I slept on the couch last night…which wasn’t very comfortable” he grimaced at the thought of sleeping again on the couch which made me laugh.

“There’s the Hailey I like to see and hear.” He smiled at me before shutting the door behind him. 

I flopped back on the bed, my heart exploding once again with my feelings for James. How could a man feared by all, a man well known for all the women he’s been with, be so gentle and kind. Sure he had a temper, and yes he was probably the most dangerous man I’ve ever been around, but he was different than what people assumed, and as hard as it was to believe, I was falling hard for James, and I mean hard.

I jumped off the bed and ran to the bathroom. I threw the door open and glance painfully in the mirror at the sight before me. My hair was in a tangled mess, my mascara smeared all over my face and James shirt thrown haphazardly over my slim frame. I cringed at my reflection and the thought of James having to see me in such a state. Running a brush through my tangled hair was useless, so instead, I grabbed a towel from the sink and skipped over to the shower, my skin tingling with the anticipation of the warm water running over it.

James bathroom was a large room built off his own. The floors made from marble and the sink from granite. I stood in front of the shower and couldnt help but shake my head. James would have this kind of shower: large and almost comepletely see through, nothing but a slight blurr so that only the contours of the person showering could be seen. I took a deep breath before stripping from my clothes and stepping into the shower.

I turned the hot water tap on and felt the hot water trailing down my back, cringing slightly at the intensity of the heat. I let the hot water run over my body and the sweet smell of James shampoo run through my head, trying to clear my jumbled mind, trying to erase my guilt of what happened to hayden. And with that thought, I was crying again.

 Please comment.... I have a comments... no Chapter 10....

I like to hear what you thought of the chapter and the story soo please let me know. Chapter 10 is going to be interesting xD... youll get to see some of james and Haileys emotions come out in the next few please vote if you like it and comment.... id like to atleast reach 100 votes... :P  love you all for the amazing support!!!!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 11, 2012 ⏰

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